Notice No.   20180711-23   Notice Date   11 Jul 2018
Category   Company related   Segment   SME
Subject   Amendment in Existing Eligibility criteria of Listing on BSE SME Platform

BSE SME Platform offers an entrepreneur an investor friendly environment, which enables the listing of SMEs from the unorganized sector scattered throughout India, into a regulated and organized sector. Presently, 255 Companies are listed on BSE SME platform as on July 11, 2018.


BSE has amended the guidelines of SME platform at various intervals to strengthen the platform, and bring growth oriented companies. In the last few years SME Platform has matured and market making is going on successfully.


The Exchange has stipulated certain financial and non-financial eligibility criteria / norms for listing on SME platform in addition to the SEBI guidelines for listing of SME as laid down in the Issue of Capital and Disclosure Regulations.


In order to facilitate the growth oriented companies to get listed on BSE SME Platform, it has been decided to amend the existing eligibility criteria. The revised eligibility criteria for listing on BSE SME Platform will be as follows:


Existing Norms

Revised Norms

Post Issue Paid up Capital

The post-issue paid up capital of the company shall be at least Rs.3 crore

The post issue paid up capital of the company (face value) shall not be more than Rs.25 crore

Net worth

Net worth (excluding revaluation reserves) of at least Rs.3 crore as per the latest audited financial results

Positive Net worth

Net Tangible Assets

At least Rs.3 crore as per the latest audited financial results

Not Applicable

Track Record

Distributable profits in terms of Section 123 of the Companies Act 2013 for at least two years out of immediately preceding three financial years (each financial year has to be a period of at least 12 months). Extraordinary income will not be considered for the purpose of calculating distributable profits


Net worth shall be at least Rs.5 crores

The company /firm (or the firm which has been converted into the company) should have a (combined) track record of at least 3 years.

The company /firm (or the firm which has been converted into the company) should have combined positive cash accruals (earnings before depreciation and tax) from operations for at least 2 financial years preceding the application and its net worth should be positive


All other norms (other than those revised as above) would remain unchanged.


There will not be any change in the existing guidelines for NBFC and Broking Companies


The above revised criteria would be applicable with effect from July 12, 2018.


In case of any further clarification you may contact the following Officers:

Name of the Officer

Contact No.

Email Id

 Anuj Thakur


 Mukesh Shah




Girish Joshi                                                                            Bhushan Mokashi

Chief General Manager                                                      Additional General Manager



11 July 2018