Notice No.   20180824-31   Notice Date   24 Aug 2018
Category   Trading   Segment   Derivatives
Subject   Registration for Liquidity Enhancement Scheme (LES) on Monthly Single Stock Options and Index options.
Attachments ;

Trading Members are requested to refer to Exchange notice number 20180813-26 regarding Introduction of Liquidity Enhancement Scheme (LES) on Monthly Single Stock Options and Index options with effect from September 01,2018.

In continuation to aforesaid notice, the registration process and registration form for LES on Single stock options and Index Options is attached in Annexure.

Trading members are requested to note the same. For any further clarifications, Trading member are requested to contact their designated Relationship Managers.

For and on behalf of BSE Limited,


Ketan Jantre


                        Sameer Vaze

Sr. GM-Trading Operations

                        Sr.Manager-Trading Operations