The Exchange has observed significant price/volume movement in following scrip/s in the recent past. The Exchange in order to ensure that trading member/investors have latest relevant information had written to the following company/ies. Reply received from them is attached herewith.
1. Hisar Metal Industries Ltd (Scrip Code: 590018)
2. Maithan Alloys Ltd (Scrip Code: 590078)
3. Ashapura Intimates Fashion Ltd (Scrip Code: 535467)
4. Navketan Merchants Ltd (Scrip Code: 539525)
5. Piccadily Sugar & Allied Industries Ltd (Scrip Code: 507498)
6. NPR FINANCE LTD (Scrip Code: 530127)
Further, reply from the following companies are awaited:
1. Hindustan Fluorocarbons Ltd (Scrip Code: 524013 )
2. NPR Finance Ltd (Scrip Code: 530127)
3. Adhunik Industries Ltd (Scrip Code: 538365)
4. Veto Switchgears and Cables Ltd (Scrip Code: 539331)
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd
Yogendra Daxini
Saji Sunilkumar
Assistant General Manager