The Exchange has observed significant price/volume movement in following scrip/s in the recent past. The Exchange in order to ensure that trading member/investors have latest relevant information had written to the following company/ies. Reply received from them is attached herewith.
1. Capital India Finance Ltd (Security Code: 530879)
2. Jindal Hotels Ltd (Security Code: 507981)
3. Nile Ltd (Security Code: 530129)
4. Odyssey Technologies Ltd (Security Code: 530175)
5. Dolat Investments Ltd (Security Code: 505526)
6. JHS Svendgaard Laboratories Ltd (Security Code: 532771)
7. Marathon Nextgen Realty Ltd (Security Code: 503101)
8. Orient Paper & Industries Ltd (Security Code: 502420)
9. Shree Rama Newsprint Ltd (Security Code: 500356)
10. Royal Orchid Hotels Ltd (Security Code: 532699)
11. Seshasayee Paper and Boards Ltd (Security Code: 502450)
12. Texmaco Infrastructure & Holdings Ltd (Security Code: 505400)
13. Vascon Engineers Ltd (Security Code: 533156)
14. Somany Ceramics Ltd (Security Code: 531548)
15. S.A.L. Steel Ltd (Security Code: 532604)
16. Goa Carbon Ltd (Security Code: 509567)
17. SSPDL Ltd (Security Code: 530821)
Reply from the following is still awaited.
1. I S T Ltd (Security Code: 508807)
2. Pondy Oxides & Chemicals Ltd (Security Code: 532626)
3. Veejay Lakshmi Engineering Works Ltd (Security Code: 522267)
4. Malu Paper Mills Ltd (Security Code: 532728)
5. BPL Ltd (Security Code: 500074)
6. Pudumjee Paper Products Ltd (Security Code: 539785)
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd
Yogendra Daxini
Saji Sunilkumar
Assistant General Manager
13th September, 2019