Trading Members and Custodians are requested to note that Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued Mechanism for acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange pursuant to Tender-Offers under Takeover, Buy Back and De-listing vide its circular no. CIR/CFD/POLICYCELL/1/2015 dated April 13, 2015 and no. CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated Dec 09, 2016. The Exchange vide its notice no. 20170210-16 dated Feb 10, 2017,20190424-35 dated April 24, 2019 and 20200528-32 dated 28 May 2020has issued Revised Guidelines of Mechanism for acquisition of shares through Stock Exchange pursuant to Tender-Offers under Takeovers, Buy Back and Delisting.
All Market Participants are hereby informed that Sunayana Investments Co ltd (the “Acquirer”) has made an open Offer to acquirer upto 8,42,400 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10 /- ( Rupees Ten Only) each, representing 26% of the total outstanding issued and fully paid up equity share capital on fully diluted basis carrying voting rights of KD Leisures Limited (“Target Company”) at a price of Rs. 16.50/- (Rupees Sixteen and Fifty Paise Only) per fully paid up equity share of face value of Rs. 10/- (Indian Rupees Ten) each (“Offer Price”), payable in cash, pursuant to the SEBI (SAST) Regulations 2011, including amendments thereto (“Takeover Regulations”), from August 04, 2020 to August 17, 2020.
Market participants are further requested to note that this offer will be as per the Revised Guidelines of SEBI circular no. CFD/DCR2/CIR/P/2016/131 dated Dec 09, 2016 and Exchange notice no. 20170210-16 dated Feb 10, 2017 and 20190424-35 dated April 24, 2019 along with the details of this Offer to Buy would be available on BSE Website –
Bhushan Mokashi
Additional General Manager
Listing Sales & Ops
August 03, 2020