Trading members of the Exchange are hereby informed that the under mentioned securities of IDBI Bank Limited (Scrip Code: 500116, ISIN No. INE008A01015) are listed and admitted for trading on the Exchange with effect from Tuesday, December 22, 2020.
Security Details
371,808,177 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each allotted to QIBs pursuant to Qualified Institutional Placement.
These shares are ranking pari-passu with the existing equity shares of the company.
Date of Allotment
December 19, 2020
Issue Price (Rs.)
Rs. 38.60/-
Dist. Nos.
10645668299 to 11017476475
In case trading members require any clarification on the subject matter of the notice, they may please contact Mr. Raghavendra Bhat on Tel. Nos. 022 2272 8915.
Rupal Khandelwal
Senior Manager
December 21, 2020 |