Notice No.   20210204-28   Notice Date   04 Feb 2021
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   Revision of Price Bands
Attachments   Annexure_Feb_2021.xls ;

Trading Members of the Exchange are hereby informed that as a part of review of the surveillance action, the price band are revised in the various scrips. List of the scrips with revised price band is enclosed as Annexure. The revised price band as indicated there under will be effective from February 05, 2021.


Please note that scrips in Trade for trade segments will continue to attract a price band of 5% or lower, as applicable.



In case any clarification required, please contact Ms. Prachi Dhoke (2272 1717 / 2272 3030 / 2272 5185)





For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.




Yogendra Daxini                                                                            Saji Sunilkumar     

Assistant General Manager                                                    Manager

Surveillance                                                                          Surveillance



February 04, 2021.