The Exchange has observed significant price/volume movement in following scrip/s in the recent past. The Exchange in order to ensure that trading member/investors have latest relevant information had written to the following company/ies. Reply received from them is attached herewith.
1. GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Security Code: 500660)
2. Ruby Mills Ltd (Security Code: 503169)
3. Pradeep Metals Ltd (Security Code: 513532)
4. Onelife Capital Advisors Ltd (Security Code: 533632)
5. Cineline India Ltd (Security Code: 532807)
Reply from below company is still awaited.
1. Bengal & Assam Company Ltd (Security Code: 533095)
2. Nitin Castings Ltd (Security Code: 508875)
3. WH Brady & Company Ltd (Security Code: 501391)
4. Seamec Ltd (Security Code: 526807)
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd
Yogendra Daxini
Saji Sunilkumar
Assistant General Manager
Senior Manager
04th August,2021 |