Notice No.   20220331-47   Notice Date   31 Mar 2022
Category   Trading   Segment   Derivatives
Subject   Master Circular - Surveillance (Equity Derivatives)
Attachments   Master Circular_EDS_2022.pdf ;

All Trading Members
Sub: Master Circular - Surveillance (Equity Derivatives)
Exchange periodically consolidates circulars issued by the department over the period of time to provide one single document to refer for various policy and operational matters. This circular is consolidation of all the previous circulars issued by the Surveillance department in Equity Derivatives Segment. 
For any further clarifications, members are advised to contact on 022-2272 5092 /5093 and email id
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd
Umesh Hanjankar                                                                              Nivedita Parekh
Assistant General Manager                                                                Deputy Manager
Surveillance                                                                                         Surveillance

March  31, 2021