This is in partial modification to the Notice No. 20220422-34 dated April 22,2022 with regards to ‘Discontinuation of usage of pool accounts for transactions in units of mutual funds on BSE StAR MF Platform’
Members are hereby requested to note that, as per the clarification received from RTA, Two Factor Authentication (2FA) process for SWP registration shall be revised. 2FA shall be carried out at the time of initial registration of SWP.
Please find attached the revised Operating Instructions as Annexure with the changes highlighted for your reference
For any query on the BSE StAR MF platform you can reach us through our service centre on 022-45720450 & 022-45720650 on business days between 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. You can also raise your queries on our CRS portal:-
Please find below link to the earlier notices issued for your reference:
Ketan Jantre Zeeta Eustace
Sr. General Manager – Mutual Funds Dy. General Manager – Mutual Funds