Notice No.   20230123-11   Notice Date   23 Jan 2023
Category   Trading   Segment   Mutual Fund
Subject   Nomination for Mutual Fund Unit Holders - Update

This is in continuation to our notice nos. 20220920-35 and 20221003-45 dated September 20, 2022 and October 03, 2022 with respect to ‘Nomination for Mutual Fund Unit Holders’.

Based on the request received from the members, facility is provided to the member to modify the nomination details.  Members are allowed to change the nomination flag only where the status of the Nomination flag is ‘Y’. Once the flag is changed to ‘N’, system shall allow the member to change the nomination details.  Please find below the details for updation/modification :


Nomination Flag Change:

Format: Member Code|Client Code|Nomination flag (always “N”)

E.g. 10000|ABC|N

Path: Admin >> Nomination Flag

File Type: Pipe(|) separated text file

File Nomenclature: Not applicable 


Nominee Updation:

Manual : Admin >> Admin Reports >> Client Master Report

Bulk Upload : Admin >> Client Details >> Client Master Report (Nominee Details Report)


The details thus modified have to be authenticated by the client.  Post authentication, the nominee details shall be reported from UCC based on the settlement.  If the client is not authenticated/member is not uploaded the nominee details, all such orders shall be in invalid status with remarks as “Nomination Pending”.


All other validations and process except for the ones mentioned above shall remain the unchanged.

All members using third party vendor solutions and/or in-house developed trading application are hereby requested to take note of the above and arrange to initiate necessary development at their end.

For any query on the BSE StAR MF platform, you can reach us through our service centre on 022-45720450 & 022-45720650 on business days between 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. You can also raise your queries on our CRS portal:-


Ketan Jantre                                                     Zeeta Eustace

Sr. General Manager – Mutual Funds         Dy. General Manager – Mutual Funds