Notice No.   20230425-35   Notice Date   25 Apr 2023
Category   Compliance   Segment   General
Subject   Bank Guarantees (BGs) created out of clients’ funds
Attachments   Annexure.pdf ;

We draw your attention to SEBI circular ref. no. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/061 dated April 25, 2023 regarding Bank Guarantees (BGs) created out of clients’ funds.

A copy of the said SEBI circular is enclosed as Annexure.

Members are requested to take note of the contents of the aforesaid SEBI circular.

In case of any queries/clarifications, you may reach us on the following contact details.

Contact Nos.

Email ID

022- 2272 8435/5785


For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.




Richa Ghosh                                               Josephine Baretto

Asst. Gen. Manager                                   Manager

Brokers’ Supervision                                 Brokers’ Supervision