Notice No.   20230623-60   Notice Date   23 Jun 2023
Category   Trading   Segment   General
Subject   User id - Updation of same PAN against multiple Algo terminals
Attachments   Trader ID Form.docx ;

Currently, Exchange allows a unique PAN against a terminal i.e. Exchange allotted user id (up to 4 digit) or an location id (16 digit) which is reported by the member.

Exchange hereby announces a facility to apply / map multiple ‘Algo’ user ids (Exchange allotted id and 16-digit terminals) on a single PAN. Members are requested to note the below in this regard, the modified Trader ID form is issued.

 1.  While applying for a new user, members need to tag the user appropriately as Algo / Non-Algo in the ID/ Terminal          activation form.

2.  If the terminals are tagged as ‘Algo’, only then the same PAN across multiple terminals tagged as ‘Algo’ shall be accepted.

3.  Further members shall be able to provide same certificate against such terminals tagged as ‘Algo’ in a particular segment as per the regulatory requirement.

4.   Members are requested to refer to the revised form for ID/ Terminal activation form.

5.   Members are responsible to provide complete and correct details of the terminals.

6.   Members shall also be responsible to populate correct identifier in the 14th field provided in the 16-digit location id) for every order emanating from non-exchange terminal.

7.  BSE Limited shall only provide a facility to the members to tag a terminal as Algo/ Non Algo based on the member’s request. Members shall be solely responsible for the Algo/ Non Algo tagging done for the terminal ids.

8.  Members shall be responsible for providing accurate and complete information/details of the terminals as required.

9.  Members must ensure that a user in whose name Algo/ Non Algo facility is taken, leaves the organization or under any such similar situation, all the terminal ids taken under such user’s PAN must be disabled.

10.  Members should abide by the rules/regulations as communicated by the Exchange / SEBI from time to time.

In case of any queries / clarifications, members may reach out to the Exchange at or contact 22728005/8215.


For and on behalf of BSE Limited



Sandeep Pujari

Deputy General Manager

Trading Operations