Notice No.   20230630-36   Notice Date   30 Jun 2023
Category   Company related   Segment   General
Subject   Master Checklist for Listing Requirements
Attachments   Master Checklist for Listing.docx ;


The Exchange has well laid down guidelines for listing of securities that are revised from time to time as per requirements of law and the Stock Exchange. On the basis of the prescribed criteria, the Exchange periodically issues checklists /requirements giving details of the documents / requirements to be submitted by the issuers to the Exchange.

In order to enable issuers/stakeholders to have access to all the applicable checklist/requirements for listing/further listing/forfeiture etc., of securities at one place, the Exchange compiles all the checklists into a single Master Circular and displays this on an annual basis on the website at , as a service to our esteemed corporate clients and investors at large.


This master checklist is a compilation of the documents/requirements as on June 30, 2023.


It may be noted that the documents and requirements mentioned in the Master Circular (checklists) are the basic requirements and that in certain cases, further documents/requirements may be called for as and when deemed necessary, in the interests of proper scrutiny and public disclosure. Please see the attached document - “Master Checklist  for Listing”.


In case, any additional clarification / guidance is required, you may contact on under mentioned Email IDs


Query Relating to

Email ID

New Issues (IPO/FPO, SME IPO/FPO, SME Start-up, InvITs, REITs, QIP, Migration from SME to Main Board, Institutional Placement of REITs and InvITs and Open Market Buyback)

Debt Segment (Debt IPO, PPDI, Commercial Paper, Debt Restructuring & Delisting of NCD)

Further Issues (Rights, Bonus, Preferential & ADR/GDR/FCCD)

Social Stock Exchange

Voluntary Delisting of equity shares

Direct Listing/Mutual Fund

Name Change & Corporate Actions (Name Change, Stock Split, Consolidation of Shares)

ESOP/ESOS/ESPS, Scheme of Amalgamation/ Arrangement/ Demerger & Regulation 59 (a) of LODR

Offer for Sale & Offer to Buy

Release of 1% of issue amount

BSE Bond


For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.



Manu Thomas                                                                                                             Rupal Khandelwal

Additional General Manager                                                                                   Deputy General Manager


 Date: June 30, 2023

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