Notice No.   20230630-41   Notice Date   30 Jun 2023
Category   Others   Segment   General
Subject   Master Circular - Investor Grievances Redressal Mechanism
Attachments   Master Circular - Investor Grievance Redressal Mechanism.pdf ;

The Exchange has issued various notices /circulars from time to time. In order to enable members to access all the applicable notices/circulars for Investor Grievances Redressal Mechanism at one place, Master Circular has been prepared, enclosed as Annexure A.


This Master Circular is a compilation of the relevant notices/circulars issued by Department of Investor Service up to March 31, 2023.



For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.


Abhijit Pai                                                                       Shilpa Mhapsekar        

Deputy General Manager                                                Manager 

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