Notice No.   20230731-44   Notice Date   31 Jul 2023
Category   Trading   Segment   Equity
Subject   Cautionary Messages on Trading Terminal

Further to Exchange Notice nos. 20221025-50, 20221129-49, 20230303-25, 20230425-16 and 20230616-08 dated October 25, 2022, November 29, 2022, March 03, 2023, April 25, 2023 and June 16, 2023 respectively.


With effect from September 01, 2023, the following additional indicators shall be introduced in Regulatory Indicator file  to indicate cautionary message on trading terminals as per the below list of indicators.



Sr. No


Cautionary Pop-up Message to be displayed on front end



The company has been loss making for at least the last 8 quarters for main board and last 2 years for SME companies on consolidated basis.


Where only standalone results is applicable to the companies, the same will be considered instead of consolidated basis.

Loss making for last 8 quarters

65 days from the end of the Quarter/ Year (Main Boards Companies) for which the results are required to be disclosed.

65 days from end of half year/Yearly (SME companies) for which the results are required to be disclosed.


Companies that have not submitted the financial results by the expiry of 60 days, it will be presumed as an instance of loss for that quarter/half year/ annual results.



Encumbrance of Promoters/ promoter group shareholding is at least 50% of the total capital.

Encumbrance of Promoters/ promoter group shareholding more than 50%

To be taken from shareholding Pattern and will be provided within 30 days from end of each quarter.




The company is in Z Group due to non-compliance with SEBI SOP Circular.

Scrip is in Z Group

Will be effective from date of change in trading system


The company has failed to pay Annual listing fee.

Company not paid listing fees.

After Six Months from issuance of the invoice for Annual Listing Fees


The security is scheduled to move out of derivatives. No fresh far month contracts shall be issued.

Security scheduled to be moved out of Derivatives.



Security is in BAN for Trade on account of breach of 95% of MWPL (i.e.20% of Non-promoter holding)

Security is in BAN period



As informed earlier vide above referred notices, while placing an order on a security which is under Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) /Additional Surveillance Measure (ASM)/IRP as per IBC/Unsolicited SMS or Videos/Pledge/ASM ICA/ASM IBC etc, Exchange provides an alert message on Trading Terminal.


Similarly trading Members are required to develop a functionality on their non – BOLT / BOW front end including IBT, STWT, CTCL, etc., whereby any person while placing an order in a security for which the above cautionary indicators are applicable, gets the following message so that the person placing the order is aware of such alerts on the security before placing the order.


Trading members are also advised to develop a mechanism to disseminate the message as per the consolidated list of Surveillance Indicators/Other Indicators in the respective corresponding equity derivative contracts as well.


The message shall be as under:


“Security is under - <for relevant indicator refer Reg Indicator file>, would you like to continue?” Yes / No


The order shall be sent to the Exchange only if option “Yes” is selected.  Trading members may please note that the aforesaid verbatim of the pop-up message should mandatorily be included in the pop-up message on the trading front-end. Further it is reiterated that the aforesaid feature is mandatory for trading members with retail clients by October 03, 2023.



For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.




Yogendra Daxini

Saji Sunilkumar


Deputy General Manager

Senior Manager









July 31, 2023