Sub: SEBI directions w.r.t. listed Shell Companies – List of companies
This is in furtherance to the Exchange notice no. 20181029-18 dated October 29, 2018, on the subject matter. As per the provision of Para no. I. d. of the said notice, the securities of the below mentioned company shall be placed under “Stage 3” of GSM framework w.e.f. Thursday i.e., September 21, 2023.
Sr. No.
Scrip Code
Name of the company
Virat Leasing Ltd. (*)
Note: - (*) Trading in the securities of the company shall continue to remain suspended until further notice.
All concerned companies and market participants are requested to take note of the aforementioned.
In case of any clarifications, please contact on 022 – 2272 8083 / 8734.
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.
Anantnag Katkar Kinnar Mehta
Assistant General Manager Manager
Surveillance Surveillance
Date: - September 20, 2023. |