Trading members are requested to note that presently, trading activity in Equity and Equity Derivatives segments happens through a common set-up of Exchange’s trading system. Owing to this, connectivity parameters like IP addresses and ports are common for the interactive, multicast connections of both segments. Trading members are hereby informed that it is proposed to segregate trading activity in Equity and Equity Derivatives segments into separate set-ups of the Exchange’s trading system independent of each other.
To facilitate this, connectivity parameters of Equity Derivatives segment shall change. Thus, members’ trading applications connecting to either both Equity and Equity Derivatives segments or exclusively to Equity Derivatives segment might require some changes. Further, trading members may kindly note that connectivity parameters of Equity segment shall remain the same and hence, members’ trading applications connecting only to the Equity segment will not require any change.
This segregation shall affect certain aspects like the connectivity parameters, session ID, trading limits etc., details of which are explained in the attached document “Annexure 1”. Also, the new connectivity parameters for Equity Derivatives segment are updated in the BOLTPLUS Configuration manual version 1.6. A copy of the manual is attached herewith for ready reference.
It is proposed to implement the above-mentioned changes in the live environment for trading with effect from Monday, November 06, 2023. Accordingly, live trading in Equity and Equity Derivatives segments shall happen on different set-ups of the trading system. To facilitate the roll-out, these changes shall be made available in the mock trading session (compliance mock session) on Saturday, November 04, 2023.
All trading members are strongly advised to participate in the mock trading session (even if there is no change in their trading application) and test their trading application thoroughly for interactive connectivity and multicast stream availability to ensure smooth trading on Monday, November 06, 2023.
Test Environment Availability
Separate set-ups of trading system for Equity & Equity Derivatives segments have been made available in the test (simulation) environment. While connectivity parameters for Equity segment shall remain the same, those for Equity Derivatives segment shall change. These new parameters for test environment have been updated in the BOLTPLUS Configuration manual version 1.6. All trading members and front-office trading application vendors are requested to note the same and test their trading application by connecting to both the set-ups of trading system using their existing login credentials.
In case of any queries, trading members may kindly contact their respective Relationship Manager or IML Info, BSE Tech support teams as per the email id and contact details given below –
For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.,
Arvindkumar Iyengar
Vivek Garg
Chief General Manager
Sr. General Manager
I.T. Development
Trading Development
October 25, 2023 |