This is in reference to Exchange Notice no. 20170223-44 dated February 23, 2017, Notice No. 20171017-12 dated October 17, 2017, Notice No.20180112-33 dated January 12, 2018, Notice No.20180316-27 dated March 16, 2018, Notice No.20180720-55 dated July 20, 2018 and Notice No. 20191129-23 dated November 29, 2019.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Exchanges in order to enhance market integrity and safeguard interest of investors, have been introducing various enhanced pre-emptive surveillance measures from time to time.
As per Joint Surveillance Meeting of Exchanges and SEBI, the extant Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) Framework shall be extended to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) stocks subject to certain changes. Accordingly, the GSM framework applicable for SME stocks shall be as per Annexure.
Market participants may note that GSM framework shall be in conjunction with all other prevailing surveillance measures being imposed by the Exchanges from time to time.
The GSM framework for SME stocks would be made effective from the subsequent quarterly review (i.e. Quarter ended September 2023). Circular with respect to the shortlisted securities will be issued as per the schedule for Quarterly review for mainboard securities.
In case of any further queries, you may write to us at
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd.
Yogendra Daxini Saji Sunilkumar
Deputy General Manager Senior Manager
Surveillance Surveillance
Date 17/11/2023