Notice No.   20240201-5   Notice Date   01 Feb 2024
Category   Trading   Segment   Commodity Derivatives
Subject   Pre-Trade Risk Control - Enhancements to Market price order in Commodity Derivatives segment
Attachments   Annexure.pdf ;

This is pursuant to the Exchange circular no. 20231027-46, dated October 27, 2023, regarding Advisory on the market order feature, whereby the trading members have been advised to exercise due care while placing market orders and monitor effective use of the same in their systems. Based on feedback received from market participants and with a view to further strengthen the pre-trade risk control measures to ensure orderly trading and effective risk management, it has been decided to implement certain changes to the market price order feature.

Trading members are hereby requested to note the following enhancements which shall be implemented for market price orders (day as well as IOC orders) –


1.   Market price orders shall be rejected in a contract which has not traded for the day, i.e. LTP has not been discovered in that contract.


For contracts where LTP for that day has been discovered,

2.   Market price orders shall be allowed to be traded only up to a price range based on pre-defined market price impact (MPI) percentage of the last trade price (LTP) of that contract.

  • For buy orders, it shall be up to X% higher than LTP.
  • For sell orders, it shall be up to X% lower than LTP.


3.  This price range of X% higher/ lower than LTP, shall also be subject to minimum absolute value in rupee terms.


4.   Further, members/traders can define MPI% for every market price order, such that 0% =< trader-defined MPI% =< X%.

  • Amongst the trader-defined MPI% and Exchange-defined MPI%, lower MPI% shall be considered during order matching, irrespective of minimum absolute value.
  • However, if trader has not defined MPI% with the market price order, then Exchange-defined MPI% shall be applicable for such orders, subject to minimum absolute value.


5.   If price of opposite side orders is beyond the MPI price range, then the entire incoming market price order (or remaining order quantity if it is partially executed) shall be cancelled.


6.  If there are no opposite side orders, then the entire incoming market price order (or remaining order quantity if it is partially executed) shall be converted to a passive limit price order at the best price on same side of the order book, based on price-time priority.


7.    If there are no pending orders on either side of the order book, then the entire incoming market price order (or remaining order quantity if it is partially executed) shall be converted to a passive limit price order at the day’s LTP of that contract.


8.  The above-mentioned MPI range validation shall also be applicable for order modification requests i.e., pending limit price order being modified to a market price order.


9.   Multi-legged orders with ‘market price’ condition for all contracts shall not be allowed. However, multi-legged orders with ‘limit price’ condition shall continue to be available.

The parameters to arrive at the MPI range for market price orders shall be set as follows –


Type of Instrument

% Of LTP (MPI%)

Subject to minimum absolute value (Rs.)







Members may refer to the enclosed Annexure for illustrations on the above-stated measures.

Trading members and third-party trading application vendors are requested to note that a new version of ETI API, ver. 1.6.8, has been released as part of roll-out of above-mentioned enhancements. These changes are available in the simulation (test) environment for Commodity Derivatives segment. Trading members are requested to test and familiarize themselves with the proposed enhancements.

The above-mentioned enhancements shall be made effective in the live environment for trading from Monday, February 05, 2024, onwards. To facilitate the roll-out, the changes shall be available during the mock trading session on Saturday, February 03, 2024.


Based on the usage of these enhancements and further inputs from market participants, the Exchange may review these measures from time to time and implement further improvements/ changes as necessary.

In case of any queries, members may kindly get in touch with their Relationship Manager or with the concerned teams as per following contact details – 



Email ID 

Telephone No.

Functional queries 

022-2272 8705/ 8885

Technical queries

022-2272 8053


For & On Behalf of BSE Ltd., 



Arvindkumar Iyengar

Vivek Garg

Chief General Manager

Sr. General Manager

I.T. Development

Trading Development


 February 1, 2024