Notice No.   20240405-6   Notice Date   05 Apr 2024
Category   Trading   Segment   Commodity Derivatives
Subject   Launch of Gold Options on Futures Contracts – Update
Attachments ;


Further to the exchange notice number - 20240328-10 dated March 28, 2024, notice number - 20231006-26 dated October 06, 2023, notice number - 20230816-26 dated August 16, 2023, notice number - 20230703-13 dated July 03, 2023

 Trading members are requested to note that exchange shall launch further contracts of below mentioned commodities in the commodity derivatives segment from April.

Please find attached the Annexure for Gold Options on Futures Following shall be the contract calendar for the contracts.

 Contract launch calendar— Gold Options on Futures

contracts along with the notice.

  Contract launch Calendar of Gold Options on Futures


Options Contract Launch Months

Options Contract Expiry Month

Corresponding Futures Contracts Expiry Month

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

April 2024

June 2024

July 2024

April 2024

July 2024

August 2024

May 2024

August 2024

September 2024

June 2024

September 2024

October 2024

July 2024

October 2024

November 2024

August 2024

November 2024

December 2024






For and on behalf of BSE Ltd,

Ketan Jantre                                                                            Sameer Vaze

Chief.GM-Trading Operations                                                 DGM-Trading Operations