The Exchange has observed significant price/volume movement in following scrips in the recent past. The Exchange in order to ensure that trading member/investors have latest relevant information had written to the following companies. Reply received from them is attached herewith.
1. Bhagwati Autocast Ltd (Security Code: 504646)
2. Gujarat Cotex Ltd (Security Code: 514386)
3. Jyoti Ltd (Security Code: 504076)
4. Shelter Infra Projects Ltd (Security Code: 526839)
5. SSPDL Ltd (Security Code: 530821)
6. Dr Lalchandani Labs Ltd (Security Code: 541299)
7. DB International Stock Brokers Ltd (Security Code: 530393)
8. T & I Global Ltd. (522294)
9. Patspin India Ltd (514326)
10. Coffee Day Enterprises Limited (539436)
11. Ind-Swift Ltd (Security Code: 524652)
12. Gland Pharma Ltd (Security Code: 543245)
Reply awaited from the following companies-
1. Kapil Raj Finance Ltd (Security Code: 539679)
2. MPDL Ltd (Security Code: 532723)
3. GSL Securities Ltd (Security Code: 530469)
For & On behalf of BSE Ltd
Yogendra Daxini
Saji Sunilkumar
Deputy General Manager
Assistant General Manager
10th April 2024