Notice No.   20240425-20   Notice Date   25 Apr 2024
Category   Trading   Segment   IRD
Subject   Introduction of Interest Rate Derivatives Contracts on 710GS2034 and 723GS2039
Attachments ;


Trading Members and market participants are requested to refer to the Exchange notice number 20150616-21 dated June 16, 2015 regarding Exchange Traded Cash Settled Interest Rate Futures (IRF) on 6 year, 10 year and 13 year Government of India Security and notice no. 20190506-23 dated May 06,2019 regarding Introduction of trading in Interest Rate Options.

In view of the above, the Exchange shall be introducing Interest Rate Derivatives contracts based on following bonds with effect from April 29, 2024.

1.                  7.10% Government of India Bond maturing on April 08, 2034 – Both Interest Rate Futures and Options Contracts.

2.                  7.23 % Government of India Bond maturing on April 15,2039 – Both Interest Rate Futures and Options Contracts.

Product details and trading parameters are attached as Annexure.

For any clarifications, Trading Members are advised to contact their respective Relationship Managers.


For and on behalf of BSE Ltd,


Ketan Jantre

Sandeep Pujari

Sr.GM- Trading Operations

DGM- Trading Operations