Notice No.   20240704-40   Notice Date   04 Jul 2024
Category   Compliance   Segment   General
Subject   Convenience and Ease of Trading for the Clients

SEBI has advised the Exchange to ensure that Trading Members implement following functionality on their trading systems for the benefit of and ease of trading for the clients trading across the Exchanges:  

1. Members to provide interoperability to all clients facilitating release of client’s margin intra-day and not withholding till End of the day i.e., when a client buys on Exchange X and sells on Exchange Y, the margin should get released immediately after sell.

2. Members to provide all trading products across segments across exchanges (based on their membership) on their trading platforms including Web & Mobile.  For eg.  Member A is having membership of multiple Exchanges for all segments, then the member to display all products of such Exchanges across all segments and not for a specific segment/product.

3. At the time of an order entry, the Member’s trading platform including Web & Mobile to display the prices of selected scrip/contract from all the exchanges (where the member is active) to facilitate execution of orders at best price.

The timeline for providing the aforementioned functionalities is given  below: 

Type of Members


Qualified Stock Brokers (QSBs)

October 1, 2024

Members other than QSBs

December 1, 2024

 All trading members are requested to take note of the above and ensure compliance. 

 In case of any clarification required you may contact:

Contact Nos

Email Id




For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.


Hiteshkumar Desai                                         Kaustubh Mundada
General Manager                                            Asst. General Manager
Inspection                                                         Inspection