Notice No.   20240731-51   Notice Date   31 Jul 2024
Category   Compliance   Segment   General
Subject   Revision in Contract Note Format

Members’ attention is drawn to Exchange notice 20240513-22 dated May 13, 2024 on the subject “Revision in Contract Note Format”, wherein the format of the contract note has been revised for providing ECN with single WAP for trades done across Exchanges per security/common contract for the total traded quantity per settlement.

Based on the representations received from Member Association & Members, it has been decided to extend the timelines for aforesaid compliance till October 31, 2024.  

All Members are advised to take note of the above and comply.


In case of any clarifications, members may contact us on details given as under:

Contact Nos.

022-69158540, 45720440, 45720640

Email ID


For and on behalf of BSE Ltd.


Hiteshkumar Desai                                                                       Sandeep Sharma
General Manager                                                                          Assistant General Manager
Inspection                                                                                Inspection