Advances / Declines    

As on {{HeaderData[0].dttm}}      
Settlement Type
Listed below is the latest market trend as Advances / Declines in terms of number of Securities Listed below are the latest Indexwise market trends in terms of number of Securities Listed below are the latest Groupwise market trends in terms of number of Securities

Advance Advances as % of Total Decline Declines as % of Total Unchanged Unchanged as % of Total Total
{{A.Advance}} {{A.Advance_PER}} {{A.Decline}} {{A.Decline_PER}} {{A.Unchange}} {{A.Unchange_PER}} {{A.TOTAL}}
Index Advances Advances as % of Total Declines Declines as % of Total Unchanged Unchanged as % of Total Total
{{A.Sens_ind}} {{A.UP}} {{A.Advance_PER}} {{A.DN}} {{A.Decline_PER}} {{A.UC}} {{A.Unchange_PER}} {{A.TOTAL}}
Group Advances Advances as % of Total Declines Declines as % of Total Unchanged Unchanged as % of Total Total
{{A.Scrip_GRP}} {{A.UP}} {{A.Advance_PER}} {{A.DN}} {{A.Decline_PER}} {{A.UC}} {{A.Unchange_PER}} {{A.TOTAL}}
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