Cummulative Demand Schedule Cummulative Demand Schedule | DAM Capital Advisors Limited Last updated on 23 Dec 2024 | 05:00:00 PM | Sr.No. | Category | No.of shares offered / reserved | No. of shares bid for | No. of times of total meant for the category | 1 | Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) | 59,24,182 | 98,53,97,571 | 166.33 | 1(a) | Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) | - | 15,86,61,383 | - | 1(b) | Domestic Financial Institutions(Banks/ Financial Institutions(FIs)/ Insurance Companies) | - | 56,24,18,510 | - | 1(c) | Mutual Funds | - | 2,80,82,845 | - | 1(D) | Others | - | 23,62,34,833 | - | 2 | Non Institutional Investors(NIIS) | 44,43,135 | 43,81,99,866 | 98.62 | 2.1 | Non Institutional Investors(Bid amount of more than Ten Lakh Rupees) | 29,62,090 | 30,27,46,653 | 102.21 | 2.1(a) | Corporates | - | 50,05,267 | - | 2.1(b) | Individuals (Other than RIIs) | - | 28,35,14,967 | - | 2.1(c) | Others | - | 1,42,26,419 | - | 2.2 | Non Institutional Investors(Bid amount of more than Two Lakh Rupees and upto 10 lakh rupees) | 14,81,045 | 13,54,53,213 | 91.46 | 2.2(a) | Corporates | - | 4,35,077 | - | 2.2(b) | Individuals (Other than RIIs) | - | 12,89,79,210 | - | 2.2(c) | Others | - | 60,38,926 | - | 3 | Retail Individual Investors (RIIs) | 1,03,67,315 | 28,12,50,118 | 27.13 | 3(a) | Cut Off | - | 25,49,96,197 | - | 3(b) | Price Bids | - | 2,62,53,921 | - | 4 | Employee Reserved | 70,000 | 28,38,574 | 40.55 | 4(a) | Employee (Cut off) | - | 25,61,649 | - | 4(b) | Employee (Price) | - | 2,76,925 | - | 5 | Reservation PortionShareholder | - | - | - | 5(a) | RPS (Cut off) | - | - | - | 5(b) | RPS (Price) | - | - | - | | Total | 2,08,04,632 | 1,70,76,86,129 | 82.08 |