Risk Management

The core of the risk management system is the liquid assets deposited by the Members with BSE. These liquid assets cover the following five requirements:

Base Minimum Capital (BMC)

All Members are required to maintain a BMC of Rs.10 lakhs with BSE in the prescribed manner at all times. The composite corporate Members are required to maintain BMC in multiple of the membership rights held by them. The BMC, as prescribed by SEBI, is required to be kept in the form of cash (minimum 12.5%), Fixed Deposit Receipt(s) or Bank Guarantee(s) issued by bank(s) (minimum 37.5%) and balance in the form of eligible shares. The eligible shares for the purpose of the securities portion of the BMC are A and B group securities forming part of Group I classified as per the parameters of volatility and liquidity as stipulated in SEBI circular No. MRD/DoP/SE/Cir-07/2005 dated February 23, 2005. BMC is not available for adjustment towards margins.

Additional Capital

Members are also allowed to deposit Additional Capital (AC) over and above the BMC with BSE as follows :
(Liquid Assets) :

Cash Equivalent.

Particulars/s Hair-cut Limit on Capital Deposit
(i) Cash Nil -No Limit
Bank Fixed Deposit Receipts ( FDRs ). Nil -No Limit
Bank Guarantee Nil Limit on BSE's exposure to a single bank exposure as stipulated in the SEBI circular No. MRD/DoP/SE/Cir-07/2005 dated February 23, 2005.
(iv) Securities of the Central Government * . 10% No limit
Units of liquid Mutual Fund (or) Govt. Sec. Mutual Fund (by whatever name called which invests in government securities) *. 10% No limit.

Other Liquid Assets - Non-Cash Component

(Total of Other Liquid Assets should not exceed total of Cash Equivalent) :

Particulars/s Hair-cut Limit on Capital Deposit
Non-Cash equivalent :
Liquid (Group-I) Equity Shares (as per the criteria for classification of Securities on the basis of liquidity).

(Only A and B group securities forming part of such Group I)
Same as the Value at Risk (VaR) margin for the respective shares. Limit on BSE's exposure to a single issuer as stipulated in the SEBI circular No. MRD/DoP/SE/Cir-07/2005 dated February 23, 2005.
Mutual Fund units (other than those listed under cash equivalent). * Same as the VaR margins for the units computed using the traded price on BSE, if available, or else, using the NAV of the unit treating it as a liquid security.

* BSE, at present, does not accept such liquid assets towards collateral.

Cash equivalents should be at least 50% of the liquid assets. This implies that Other Liquid Assets in excess of the total Cash Equivalents is not regarded as part of the Total Liquid Assets.

  • MTM (Mark-To-Market) Losses: Mark-to-market losses on outstanding settlement obligations of the Member.
  • VaR Margins: Value at risk margins to cover potential losses for 99% of the days.
  • Extreme Loss Margins: Margins to cover the expected loss in situations that lie outside the coverage of the VaR margins.
  • Base Minimum Capital: Capital required for all risks other than the market risk (for example, operational risk and client claims).
  • Special Margin : Special margin collected as a surveillance measure.

Members are required to maintain the liquid assets (collateral) to cover all the above five requirements. There are no other margins in the risk management system.

  • Single Trade
  • Cumulative Trades for the Day
Immediately upon the execution of the order where the traded quantity, either buy or sell ,on account of any trade is more than 0.5% of the number of equity shares of the company listed on BSE.

Within one hour from the closure of the trading hours, where the cumulative quantity traded under any single client code on that day either purchase or sale is more than 0.5% of the number of equity shares of the company listed at BSE.

  • The valuation of shares deposited by the Members with BSE is done on a daily basis, and a hair-cut equivalent to the respective VaR of individual Security is applied i.e., only the residual value of eligible shares deposited is considered for the purpose of evaluation of capital(collateral) deposited by the Members with BSE.. The eligible shares deposited by the Members towards BMC are accepted by BSE in demat form only.
  • The cash can be deposited by the Members towards capital by submitting instructions to their clearing banks to debit their bank accounts and credit the amount to BSE's account.
  • As regards the Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs) of banks, the duly discharged FDRs are required to be submitted by the Members to BSE in the name of " BSE Limited. A/c - trade name of the Member" issued by any Mumbai-based branch or payable at any Mumbai-based branch of any scheduled commercial or co-operative bank.
  • The bank guarantees submitted by the Member towards the capital have to be in the approved format in favour of BSE either issued or payable by any Mumbai-based branch of a scheduled commercial bank only. However, in case FDRs/ bank guarantees are issued by the outstation branches of scheduled commercial banks (i.e., branches outside Mumbai), the payment of the proceeds on encashment of FDRs and invocation of bank guarantees by BSE has to be assured by a Mumbai-based branch of the concerned issuing bank.

For every instance of deactivation of BOLT TWSs due to non-availability of total liquid assets, fines/penalties are levied as per the structure given below :

Description/s No. of instances in a financial year Fines/penalties ( Rs. )
Fines/penalties for de-activation of BOLT TWSs due to non-availability of Total Liquid Assets (collateral) during the trading session and in case of de-activation of BOLT TWSs due to non-availability of total liquid asset at the end of day because of shortfall of Total Liquid Assets due to expiry of Bank Guarantees/Fixed Deposit Receipts, evaluation of securities, etc. 1 st to 5 th instance. Rs. 5,000/- per instance.
6 th to 15 th instance Rs. 10,000/- per instance or 0.25% of the amount of shortfall of total liquid assets on account of violation of trading limits, whichever is higher.
16 th to 30 th instance Rs. 15,000/- per instance or 0.25% of the amount of shortfall of total liquid assets on account of violation of trading limits, whichever is higher.
BSE, as a precautionary measure, provides on-line warnings to its Members on the BOLT TWSs when they reach 70%, 80% and 90% of the utilisation of Total Liquid Assets (TLA). When a Member crosses 100% of the utilization of TLA , a message is flashed on his BOLT TWSs which says "Capital Violated : Member Trading Suspend" and immediately thereafter, all his BOLT TWSs get deactivated. The BOLT TWSs of the Members in such cases are reactivated only after they deposit the required additional liquid assets. To avoid de-activation of BOLT TWSs and levy of fines/penalties, the additional liquid assets should be deposited with BSE sufficiently in advance.

Liquidity Categorization of Securities

The securities are classified into three groups based on their liquidity:

Group/s Trading Frequency (over the previous six months – see Note A) Impact Cost (over the previous six months – see Note A
Liquid Securities (Group I) At least 80% of the days Less than or equal to 1%
Less Liquid Securities (Group II) At least 80% of the days More than 1%
Illiquid Securities (Group III) Less than 80% of the days N/A


Monthly Review

The trading frequency and impact cost is calculated on the 15th of each month on a rolling basis considering the previous six months for impact cost and previous six months for trading frequency. On the basis of the trading frequency and impact cost so calculated, the securities move from one group to another group from the 1st of the next month.

Categorisation of Newly-listed Securities

For the first month and till the time of monthly review as mentioned above, a newly listed stock is categorised in that group where the market capitalization of the newly listed stock exceeds or equals the market capitalization of 80% of the stocks in that particular group. Subsequently, after one month, whenever the next monthly review is carried out, the actual trading frequency and impact cost of the security is computed, to determine the liquidity categorization of the security.

In case any corporate action results in a change in ISIN, the securities bearing the new ISIN is treated as newly listed Security for group categorization.

Calculation of mean impact cost:

The mean impact cost is calculated in the following manner:

Impact cost is calculated by taking four snapshots in a day from the order book in the past six months. These four snapshots are randomly chosen from within four fixed ten-minutes windows spread through the day.

The impact cost is the percentage price movement caused by an order size of Rs.1 lakh from the average of the best bid and offer price in the order book snapshot. The impact cost is calculated for both, the buy and the sell side in each order book snapshot.

Dissemination of Information

The lists of securities forming part of groups I, II and III are disseminated on the BSE website on a monthly basis.

In order to contain the risk arising out of transactions entered into by the members in various Securities either on their own account or on behalf of their clients, BSE has a well designed risk-management system which inter-alia, includes collection of margins from the Members. BSE accordingly imposes various kinds of margins on the Members based on their outstanding positions in the market. The margining system followed by BSE is described below :

Computation of Margins

For securities that have been listed for less than six months, the trading frequency and the impact cost is computed using the entire trading history of the Security.

VaR Margin

As mandated by SEBI, the Value at Risk (VaR) margining system, which is internationally accepted as the best margining system, is applicable on the outstanding positions of the Members in all Securities.

The VaR Margin is a margin intended to cover the largest loss that can be encountered on 99% of the days (99% Value at Risk). For liquid stocks, the margin covers one-day losses while for illiquid stocks, it covers three-day losses so as to allow the Exchange to liquidate the position over three days. This leads to a scaling factor of square root of three for illiquid stocks.

For liquid stocks, the VaR margins are based only on the volatility of the stock while for other stocks, the volatility of the market index is also used in the computation. Computation of the VaR margin requires the following definitions:

Security sigma means the volatility of the security computed as at the end of the previous trading day. The computation uses the exponentially weighted moving average method applied to daily returns in the same manner as in the derivatives market.

Security VaR means the higher of 7.5% or 3.5 Security sigma.

Index sigma

means the daily volatility of the market index (S&P BSE Sensex or CNX Nifty) computed as at the end of the previous trading day. The computation uses the exponentially weighted moving average method applied to daily returns in the same manner as in the derivatives market.

Index VaR

means the higher of 5% or 3 index sigma. The higher of the Sensex VaR or Nifty VaR would be used for this purpose.

The VaR Margins are specified as follows for different groups of stocks:

Liquidity Categorization One-Day VaR Scaling factor for illiquidity VaR Margin
Liquid Securities (Group I) Security VaR 1.00 Security VaR
Less Liquid Securities (Group II) Higher of Security VaR and three times Index VaR 1.73 (square root of 3.00) Higher of 1.73 times Security VaR and 5.20 times Index VaR
Illiquid Securities (Group III) Five times Index VaR 1.73 (square root of 3.00) 8.66 times Index VaR

Collection of VaR Margin :

  • The VaR margin is collected on an upfront basis by adjusting against the total liquid assets of the Member at the time of trade.
  • The VaR margin is collected on the gross open position of the Member. The gross open position for this purpose is the gross of all net positions across all the clients of a Member including his proprietary position.
  • For this purpose, there would be no netting of positions across different settlements.
  • Dissemination of Information :
The VaR amount applicable in respect of the Securities is disseminated on the BSE website on a daily basis.

Extreme Loss Margin :

The term Extreme Loss Margin replaces the terms "exposure limits" and "second line of defense" that have been used hitherto. It covers the expected loss in situations that go beyond those envisaged in the 99% value at risk estimates used in the VaR margin.

  • The Extreme Loss Margin for any stock is higher of:
  • 5%, and 1.5 times the standard deviation of daily logarithmic returns of the stock price in the last six months. This computation is done at the end of each month by taking the price data on a rolling basis for the past six months and the resulting value is applicable for the next month.
  • The Extreme Loss Margin is collected/adjusted against the total liquid assets of the member on a real time basis.
  • The Extreme Loss Margin is collected on the gross open position of the Member. The gross open position for this purpose means the gross of all net positions across all the clients of a member including his proprietary position.
  • For this purpose, there is no netting of positions across different settlements.
  • The Extreme Loss margin so collected is released alongwith the pay-in.
  • Dissemination of Information :
  • The ELM amount applicable in respect of the Securities is also disseminated on the BSE website.
Special Margin

Special margin may be imposed by BSE from time to time on certain Securities as a surveillance measure and informed to the Members through notices.

Mark-to-Market Margin (MTM) :

  • The MTM margin is collected on the gross open position of the Member. The gross open position for this purpose would mean the gross of all net positions across all the clients of a member including his proprietary position. For this purpose, the position of a client is netted across his various securities and the positions of all the clients of a Member is grossed. Further, there is no netting across two different settlements.
  • There is no netting off the positions and setoff against MTM profits across 2 rolling settlements i.e. T day and T-1 day. However, for computation of MTM profits/losses for the day, netting or setoff against MTM profits is permitted.
Collection and Release of Margins

All statements pertaining to daily margins viz., VaR, MTM, ELM and Special Margin computed by BSE on the outstanding positions of the Members are available for downloading by them in their back-offices at the end of the day.

VaR Margin

The VaR margin is collected on an upfront basis by adjusting against the total liquid assets of the Member at the time of trade.

Extreme Loss Margin (ELM)

The ELM is collected/ adjusted from the total liquid assets of the Member on a real time basis.

Mark-to-Market Margin (MTM)

The MTM is computed after trading hours on T day on the basis of closing price, of that day. In case the security has not been traded on a particular day, the latest available closing price is considered as the closing price. MTM margins is also recomputed in respect of all the pending settlements on the basis of closing prices of T day and the difference due to increase/decrease in MTM margins on account of such recomputation is adjusted in the MTM obligation of the Member for the day. Such MTM is collected from the Members in the evening on the T day itself, first by adjusting the same from the available cash and cash equivalent component of the liquid assets and the balance MTM in form of cash from the Members through their clearing banks on the same day.

Special Margins

The Special Margin as applicable is collected along with MTM from the Members, first, by adjusting the same from the available liquid assets and the balance Special Margin in form of cash from the Members through their clearing banks on the same day.

Release of Margins

The above-referred margins are released on completion of pay-in of the settlement

Fines / Penalty for Margin Default

Cases where there are insufficient balances in bank accounts of the Members at the time of debit of margin amounts payable in cash on the relevant day, are treated as margin defaults. The norms for levy of fines/ penalty for delay in clearance of margin obligations are as follows :

Violation/s Late fees/fines/penalty
Non-fulfillment of margin obligations to the Exchange. In case of non-fulfillment of margin obligation, the trading facility of such members shall be withdrawn immediately and fine/penalty of 1% of the unpaid margin amount will be levied. In addition, the trading facility of the member shall be withdrawn immediately. The trading facility shall be restored after fulfillment of the margin obligation by the member.
Exemption from Payment of Margins

The following trades executed on the BOLT are exempted from payment of margins on Trade Day. However the same are margined to the Custodians/members on T+1 day in case of acceptance / rejection of the 6A7A entry:

  • Institutional business. For this purpose, institutional investors include :
    • Foreign Institutional Investors registered with SEBI.
    • Mutual Funds registered with SEBI.
    • Public Financial Institutions as defined under Section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956.
    • Banks, i.e., a banking company as defined under Section 5(1)(c) of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949
    • .
    • Insurance companies registered with IRDA
    • .
    • Pension Funds
  • In cases where early pay-in of securities is made, the outstanding position of the client to the extent of early pay-in.
Early Pay-in Facility

  • The early pay-in of securities done upto 3.45 p.m. on a day are considered for on-line release of blocked liquid assets on account of margins on that day. The benefits of early pay-in done after 3.45 p.m. on a day are available on the next trading day.
  • Members are also able to do early pay-in of securities before execution of the trade on T day to avail benefit of margin exemption.

For availing the benefits of margin exemptions through early pay-in of securities, the members are required to upload a file containing details in respect of the early pay-in at client level to the Clearing House-BOISL (Notice No.20050526-20). The details in the file is matched against the transaction files received from CDSL and NSDL. Only the matched records are uploaded for Early Pay-In.

User manual for Early Pay-in of Securities - CLASS System


SEBI has advised BSE to build an administrative mechanism to encourage members to hold capital cushions while operating in the Cash and Derivatives Segments. Accordingly, the following methodology, as advised by SEBI, is being followed by BSE:

  • At the end of each calendar month, Members who have exceeded 90% of utilization of capital during the day for more than 7 days in the current month are identified.
  • In the derivatives segment, the utilisation is monitored after considering initial margins, exposure margins and premium.
  • The capital requirement to bring the utilisation to a level of 85% at the time of violating the trigger point of 90% on each of those occasions is noted for the Members. The highest of such amounts for the identified members during the month is called for as additional capital.
  • The requirement is communicated to the members on the first day of the subsequent month.
  • The Members are provided a time limit of three working days to provide the amount of additional capital in the form of Cash, FDRs and Bank Guarantees only.
  • The additional capital so collected is retained with the Clearing House for a period of one calendar month.
  • No benefit including exposure, margin etc is available to the Member on the amount of additional capital so collected.
  • In case of non- payment of additional capital within the stipulated time limit a penalty as applicable for funds shortage is levied on the Member for the period of default.
  • In case a Member is liable to provide additional capital in the subsequent month, the amount of additional capital shall be recomputed and the excess /deficit is refunded /called for.
SEBI has advised BSE to build an administrative mechanism to encourage members to hold capital cushions while operating in the Cash and Derivatives Segments. Accordingly, the following methodology, as advised by SEBI, is being followed by BSE:

  • At the end of each calendar month, Members who have exceeded 90% of utilization of capital during the day for more than 7 days in the current month are identified.
  • In the derivatives segment, the utilisation is monitored after considering initial margins, exposure margins and premium.
  • The capital requirement to bring the utilisation to a level of 85% at the time of violating the trigger point of 90% on each of those occasions is noted for the Members. The highest of such amounts for the identified members during the month is called for as additional capital.
  • The requirement is communicated to the members on the first day of the subsequent month.
  • The Members are provided a time limit of three working days to provide the amount of additional capital in the form of Cash, FDRs and Bank Guarantees only.
  • The additional capital so collected is retained with the Clearing House for a period of one calendar month.
  • No benefit including exposure, margin etc is available to the Member on the amount of additional capital so collected.
  • In case of non- payment of additional capital within the stipulated time limit a penalty as applicable for funds shortage is levied on the Member for the period of default.
  • In case a Member is liable to provide additional capital in the subsequent month, the amount of additional capital shall be recomputed and the excess /deficit is refunded /called for.
The BOLT TWSs of a Member are deactivated for non-payment / late payment of margins or settlement dues or on apprehension of financial difficulties or on detection of serious irregularities or for frequent violations of trading restrictions. Such decisions are taken on a case-to-case basis. The overall objective in resorting to this ultimate step is to ensure that questionable trading behavior of a Member does not compromise the safety of the market or jeopardize the integrity of the market.
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