BOLTPlus On Web – BOW

BOLTPlus On Web - BOW is a powerful real time trading solution provided by BSE Tech Infra Services Pvt Ltd. The application is available as a Hosted solution and allows the user to watch real time market prices and execute orders in multiple exchanges and markets instantaneously. The application is re-designed, engineered accordingly to provide rich user experience. The application is supported by robust Backend engines of OMS, RMS with horizontal scalability and is capable of handling higher user connections. The Trading Application is available in exe (Desktop) and Mobile (Android and iOS).

Key Highlights
Key Highlights

Trending @ BOW

Salient Features of EXE

Key Highlights

  • Security
    • 2 FA with OTP
    • Secure Socket Layer
    • Transaction Password
    • IP Based Login Restrictions

  • MarketWatch
    • Real Time Quotes On ALL Versions i.e.Exe and Mobile
    • User defined MW's
    • Formulae Based MW's
    • MW's for DPs, Top Gainers /Losers, Value, Volume, Pre-Defined
    • Extremely Low Bandwidth Usage

  • Order and Trade Management
    • Supports Exchange Orders type- Limit, Market, Stop-Loss, BSE OCO & Block Deal
    • Interoperability
    • Best Price Execution
    • Fast Order entry, Bulk Order entry
    • AMO Order Entry
    • Bulk Order modification
    • Odd Lots, Auction Market Orders, OFS, BSE Multi Leg Order Entry
    • Customized Order Entry Form
    • Position Conversion and Fully /Partial Square off from Net Position

  • Report Management
    • Order Report, Trade Report, and Order Execution Summary.
    • Client Margin Report
    • DP Holding Report
    • Net Positions Report
    • Activity Log
    • SLB Trade Report

  • Other Tools
    • Payment Gateway through Bill Desk
    • Option Calculator
    • News Feed
    • Market Analytics
    • Charts
    • Fully Customizable Keys
    • Theme based layout

Salient Features of Mobile

Key Highlights

  • Market Eye & Analysis
    • Market Watch
    • View Indices Watch
    • Top N Securities
    • View Real Time Market Data
    • Market Pulse/News Feed/Scanner
    • ROBO Talk provides seamless Stock Info

  • Report Management
    • User Trading Limit
    • Available/Balance Trading Limit
    • Order Report Activity Report Order Confirmation/Rejection/Cancellation
    • Trade Order Status
    • Intraday Position/Consolidated
    • Position with Interoperability
    • Portfolio View Holding & Portfolio Valuation

  • Fund Transfer
    • Real Time Fund Transfer
    • Real Time user gets Limit to Trade

  • For Trading Experience
    On Single Touch/Click User can Access:
    • Order Placement BUY or SELL
      • Easy Navigation to place order
      • Order Placement allowed from multiple windows
      • Best Price Execution
      • Order Confirmation Notification
    • Market Depth
    • Scrip Information
    • Intraday Chart

  • Market Analytics
    • Provides Market Analytics on Real Time basis
    • Pulse Consolidate market activity based on Basket
    • News Feed - News from different sources
    • Scanners Based on Baskets
    • Fundamental Baskets (Low/High PE Stocks, Top 20 Market Cap Companies, etc.)
    • Technical Baskets based on predefined Technical Indicators (DMA Up/Down, RSI Up/Down, MACD, etc.)
    • Market Driven Basket (Gap Up/Gap Down ,Top Gainer/Loser, 52 Week High/Low, Monthly High/Low)
    • Robo Talk - Provides seamless Stock Information

Salient Features of RMS and User Managment

  • In Built RMS
    • Real time Order based Risk Management System
    • Margining for Intraday and CNC orders
    • VAR, Exposure, portfolio based SPAN and User level margin supported
    • Upfront Cash Margin
    • Trading Rights across All Levels – Category/ Exchange / Market/ Segment/User/Security, Contracts/Product Level
    • Limits capping across All Levels – Category/ Exchange / Market/ Segment/User/Security, Contracts/Product Level
    • Flexible setting of Deposits as Ledger balance, Adhoc, MTM as absolute values along with multiplier factor
    • Client Risk Preference for Deposits and MTM
    • MTM Limits setting with multiple alerts and square off
    • MTM Based Single Click Auto Square Off/Timer Based Square off
    • Single window Risk Monitoring
    • Browser Based Uploader Facility- Members can upload Deposits & Holding Files during market hours also

  • User Management
    • Flexible User management with N-Tier hierarchy
    • Multi Admin
    • Risk Profiling for Dealers and Investor clients
    • Access control of Online users for EXE and Mobile
    • User defined Profiles
    • Browser Based Uploader Facility- Members can upload back Office and positions files as defined

BOW Extended Services

BOW empowers members to build their Own Front end using BOW Extended Services. Facilitates members to develop their OWN customized Front-End variants
  • Exe
  • Browser
  • Mobile App

Multi Fold Advantage:
  • Encourage members/ ISV’s to develop their OWN Front-End
  • Members can connect to single interface of BOW Robust OMS and RMS
  • No impact of exchange mandated changes

Key Offerings
  • Single Interface to Multiple Exchange segments
  • Exchange Supported are BSE, NSE ,MCX and NCDEX
  • Segment Supported Equity/ Equity Derivative / Currency Derivative / Interest rate Future / Commodity Derivative
  • Connected to the hosted BOW OMS/RMS
  • High Security – IP Locking/2FA Based on OTP
  • Real Time market data to display in innovative ways
  • Order & Trade Management

Approved ISV’s of BOW Extended Services
  • NScript Web Studios Private Limited.
  • Invest19 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
System Requirements
ADMIN user
  • Minimum 8GB RAM
  • 8GB(1x8GB) NECC DDR 667MHz SDRAM Memory
  • Minimum 80GB SATA/SAS Hard Drive
  • Operating System: 64bit Windows11 with latest windows updates
  • Minimum Internet Bandwidth 2mbps
  • Updated Graphics Drivers

Dealer/Investor user
  • Minimum 4GB RAM
  • 4GB(1x4GB) NECC DDR 667MHz SDRAM Memory
  • Minimum 80GB SATA/SAS Hard Drive.
  • Operating System: 64bit Windows11 with latest windows updates
  • Minimum Internet Bandwidth 2mbps
  • Updated Graphics Drivers
IP & Ports to access BOLTPlus On Web

Member coming through firewall need to open following IP & port for accessing BOLTPlus On Web exe application.

IP Ports Login communication :443 (SSL)
Interactive Communication :9091 (TCP)
Broadcast Communication : 9092 (TCP)

BOW application works on TCP protocol. Members or Users can connect BOW exe via SOCKS proxy. (Proxy details can be updated in Connection settings tab). In addition, TCP port 9091 and 9092 to be enabled through SOCKS Proxy.


  • BOW EXE Download
  • BOW Mobile Trade Download
    • Android users can download from the Play Store (Install the application from the Play Store) Play Store => Search and type "BSE BOW Mobile Trading"
    • iOS users can download from the App Store (Install the application from the App Store) App Store => Search' and type "BSE BOW Mobile Trading"
    • BOW File formats Download
    • BOW File upload link