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Unpaid and Unclaimed Dividend
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a Notification in the Gazette of India dated September 5, 2016, notifying the Rule "Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016." As per this Rule, companies have to identify and upload details of unclaimed dividend on their website.
Accordingly detailed information is provided for the benefit of shareholders.
List of unclaimed dividend (Interim Dividend) for the F.Y 2016-17
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for the F.Y 2016-17
List of unclaimed dividend (Interim Dividend) for the F.Y 2017-18
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for the F.Y 2017-18
List of unclaimed dividend (Interim Dividend) for the F.Y 2018-19
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for the F.Y 2018-19
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for F.Y 2019-20
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for F.Y 2020-21
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for F.Y 2021-22
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for F.Y. 2022-23
List of unclaimed dividend (Final Dividend) for F.Y. 2023-24
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid 6th Dividend (2010-11) as on August 2, 2018
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid 7th Dividend (2011-12) as on March 31, 2019
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid 8th Dividend (2012-13) as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid 9th Dividend (2013-14) as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid 10th Dividend (2014-15) as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid for F.Y 2015-16 as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid for F.Y 2016-17 as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid for F.Y 2017-18 as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid for F.Y 2018-19 as on March 31, 2020
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid Dividend from F.Y 2013-14 to F.Y 2019-20 as on March 31, 2021
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid Dividend from F.Y 2014-15 to F.Y 2020-21 as on March 31, 2022
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid Dividend from F.Y 2015-16 to F.Y 2021-22 as on March 31, 2023
Amount of Unclaimed and Unpaid Dividend from F.Y 2016-17 to F.Y 2022-23 as on March 31, 2024
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account for 2009 - 10
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account for FY 2010 - 11
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account for FY 2011 - 12
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account for FY 2012 - 13
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (for FY 2013 - 14) during FY 2021-22
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (for FY 2014 - 15) during FY 2022-23
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (Interim Dividend for FY 2015-16) during FY 2022-23
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (Final Dividend for FY 2015-16) during FY 2023-24
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (Interim Dividend for FY 2016-17) during FY 2023-24
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (Final Dividend for FY 2016-17) during FY 2024-25
Details of Shareholders and Equity shares due for transfer to IEPF DEMAT Account (Interim Dividend for FY 2017-18) during FY 2024-25
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication for FY 2009 - 10
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication FY 2010 - 11
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication FY 2011 - 12
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication FY 2012-13
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for FY 2013-14) during FY 2021-22
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for FY 2014-15) during FY 2022-23
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for Interim Dividend of FY 2015-16) during FY 2022-23
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for Final Dividend of FY 2015-16) during FY 2023-24
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for Interim Dividend of FY 2016-17) during FY 2023-24
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for Final Dividend of FY 2016-17) during FY 2024-2025
Public Notice - Transfer of Equity Shares proposed to be transferred to IEPF - Newspaper Publication (for Interim Dividend of FY 2017-18) during FY 2024-2025
Shareholders whose Unclaimed Final Dividend amount for FY 2011-12 transferred to IEPF Authority on 22.11.2019
Shareholders whose shares for FY 2011-12 unpaid dividend transferred to IEPF Demat Authority on 22.11.2019 and 25.11.2019.
Shareholders whose Unclaimed Final Dividend amount for FY 2012-13 transferred to IEPF Authority on 21.10.2020
Shareholders whose shares for FY 2012-13 transferred to IEPF Demat Authority on 27.10.2020.
Click here to claim your unpaid/unclaimed Dividend transferred to IEPF Fund.
FAQs for filing form IEPF - 5