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    Equity Segment
    Deposit Based Membership 

    BSE Limited is admitting Deposit Based Membership (Trading Memberships) on its "Equity and Equity Derivatives Segment". BSE invites applications from all over the country against a deposit of Rs. 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten lakhs only)

    To know more about the membership click here Membership Manual.

    The application form in the prescribed format, complete in all respects should be accompanied by a Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs. 1 lakhs (Rupees one lakhs only) drawn in favor of "BSE Limited" towards earnest money deposit on which no interest will be payable. The applicant has to pay the balance amount after he receives the SEBI registration certificate but before the commencement of business.

    The complete application forms, for procuring SEBI registration certificate in Equity and Derivative segments (for applicants who are not member of any recognized Stock Exchange/Clearing Corporation) can be downloaded from the alongside link Application Booklet

    The complete application forms, for procuring membership at BSE (for applicants who are members of any recognized Stock Exchange/Clearing Corporation) can be downloaded from the alongside link
    Application forms for Stock brokers & Clearing members of Recognised stock Exchanges.

    Earnest money deposit of Rs.1 lakh shall be forfeited by the Exchange and the application for DBM registration shall be treated as closed in case –

    • The applicant does not complete the documentation for registration as a trading member (as per checklist) to the satisfaction of the Exchange within six months from the date of receipt of the application.
    • The applicant withdraws its application at any point of time before commencement of business.

    Once the documents are sent to SEBI, the member can simultaneously start working on completing the commencement formalities. To download the commencement manual you can go through the link here: Commencement Manual.

    Particulars For Individual, Partnership Firm, Corporate & LLP
    Cash Market and Futures & Options Trading Refundable / Non Refundable Exposure for trading margin
    Deposit for DBM Membership 10,00,000 Refundable Yes
    Base Minimum Capital Base Minimum Capital-(50% Cash/Cash equivalent (minimum Rs.1.25 lacs in cash is mandatory) and 50% non cash equivalent) as per SEBI, vide circular no. CIR/ MRD/ DRMNP/ 36/ 2012 dated December 19, 2012. The revised requirement of BMC to be maintained by Stock Broker and Trading Member, according to their profiles as given below, which is effective from April 1, 2013.
    Categories BMC Deposit
    a) Only Proprietary trading without Algorithmic trading (Algo) 10 lacs
    b) Trading only on behalf of Client (without proprietary trading and without Algo 15 lacs
    c) Proprietary trading and trading on behalf of Client without Algo 25 lacs
    d) All Trading Members/ Brokers with Algo 50 lacs
    Refundable No
    Admission Fees* 50,000 Non Refundable No
    Annual Subscription* 1,00,000 Non Refundable No


    • * Applicable Taxes.