All Trading Members of the Exchange
Sub: Due Diligence to be exercised while trading in illiquid securities.
SEBI has directed the Exchanges to draw up a list of illiquid securities based on criteria jointly agreed between BSE, NSE and SEBI and make it available to the trading members on a quarterly basis. List of such illiquid securities identified, based on trading activity during the quarter October – December 2012 is enclosed as Annexure.
Trading members are advised to exercise additional due diligence while trading in these securities either on own account or on behalf of their clients.
For any clarifications, members are advised to contact Ms.Shaila Valsan on 022-2272 8316 or Mr.Rajesh Kumar Dubey on 022-2272 8350.
Usha Sharma Rajesh Kumar Dubey
Dy. General Manager Dy. Manager
Surveillance & Supervision Surveillance & Supervision
Date: January 03, 2013
Encl: As above |