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    Stock Market Guide for Investors

    Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (Now BSE Ltd.), established in 1875 as the "Native Share and Stock Brokers' Association" is one of the oldest stock exchanges in Asia. BSE provides an efficient market, upholding the interests of the investors. It strives to educate and enlighten the investors by making the necessary information available to them. All market related information is available on its website (

    Department of Investor Services
    Protecting the interest of the investors dealing in securities is one of the main objectives of BSE. In pursuit of this objective, Department of Investor' Services was set up in 1986. The grievances of investors against listed companies and BSE Trading Members are redressed by BSE. BSE also assists in the arbitration process both, between Trading Members inter-se and between Trading Members and non - Trading Members. The capital market can grow only when investors find it safe for them to invest and they are assured that the rules governing the market are fair and just to all the players. With a view to ensure speedy and effective resolution of claims, differences and disputes between Trading Members inter-se and between Trading Members and non-Trading Members, BSE has laid down a set of procedures for arbitration thereof. These procedures are duly embodied in the Rules, Bye-laws and Regulations of BSE, which have been duly approved by the Government of India / Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).

    Safeguards' for Investors'

    These are some of the safeguards the investors should keep in mind before trading in the securities market.
    • Selecting a Broker

      Deal only with a SEBI registered Broker after due diligence. Details of the BSE Brokers can be obtained from the website, a link for the same is given below :


    • KYC

      Fill in a Client registration form i.e. Know Your Client (KYC) form with the Broker and obtain acknowledged copy from the broker.

      1.You should furnish all such details in full as are required by the stock broker in "Account Opening Form” with supporting details, made mandatory by the Stock Exchanges / SEBI from time to time

      2. You should familiarize yourself with all the mandatory provisions in the Account Opening documents. Any additional clauses or documents specified by the stock broker shall be non-mandatory, as per terms & conditions accepted by the you

      3. You should immediately notify the stock broker in writing if there is any change in the information in the ‘account opening form’ as provided at the time of account opening and thereafter

    • Mandatory fields in Unique Client Code (UCC) information provided to Exchange

      All the investors are requested to refer to Exchange notices on Updation of UCC with all mandatory fields in UCC system of Exchange particularly Notice No. 20210503-41 dated May 3, 2021 and 20210730-12 dated July 30, 2021. As mentioned in the above referred notices Investors are required to provide following 06 mandatory attributes of KYC to its Stock Broker to enable stockbroker to updated in the Unique Client Code system of the Exchange after cross verification.

      a) Name
      b) Complete Address (including PIN code No. in case of address of India)
      c) PAN
      d) Valid mobile number
      e) Valid email-id
      f) Income details/range

      It may be noted that mandatory fields will have to be updated in the Unique Client Code system of the Exchange after cross verification as advised above before the deadline mentioned in the notices of the Exchange else Exchange will initiate against stockbroker for trading on behalf of non-compliant investors.

    • Transacting

      The Exchange through which your trade is to be executed is required to be mentioned in the client registration document and in case you wish to trade in additional Exchange / Segment.

      You should Obtain a valid Contract Note from Broker in hard copy and/or in electronic form using digital signature within one working day of the execution of the trade containing records of all transactions including details of order number, trade number, trade time, trade price, trade quantity, details of the securities, client code, brokerage, all charges levied etc. and with all other relevant details as required therein to be filled in and received in such manner and within such time as prescribed by the SEBI / Stock Exchange.

      The stock broker shall not charge other than brokerage and statutory charges levied on the clients which are not specifically agreed upon by the clients or charging more than the limits prescribed as per the Regulations / Rules of SEBI and Circulars / Notices / Guidelines issued thereunder and Regulations / Rules / Bye-laws of Stock Exchanges and Circulars / Notices / Guidelines issued thereunder.

      In case of multiple trades resulting from single order, the Stock brokers may provide you contract notes with weighted average price (WAP), as per the following formula:

    • WAP = Total value of the shares traded for an order
      Total number of shares traded for an order

      Brokerage :

      Brokerage can be charged as may be mutually agreed between Stock broker & you subject to maximum permissible limit by the Exchange and brokerage rates should be mentioned in a tariff sheet

      Statutory levies:

      These are charges levied by Governments e.g. GST, Security Transaction Tax (STT), Stamp Duty, etc. and may be recovered from you only at actuals paid/ payable

      Regulatory levies/charges:

      These are charges levied by SEBI / Exchanges / Clearing Corporations e.g. SEBI turnover fees, Exchange transaction charges, etc. If such charges are separately recovered from you, they may be specified in contract notes or may be given under the head “Other levies, if any”. The above charges may be recovered from you only at actuals paid/ payable.

      Signature of authorised representative:

      Transactions mentioned in this contract note shall be governed and subject to the Rules, Bye-laws, Regulations and Circulars of the respective Exchanges on which trades have been executed and Securities and Exchange Board of India issued from time to time. It shall also be subject to the relevant Acts, Rules, Regulations, Directives, Notifications, Guidelines (including GST Laws) & Circulars issued by SEBI / Government of India / State Governments and Union Territory Governments issued from time to time. The Exchanges provide Complaint Resolution, Arbitration and Appellate arbitration facilities at the Regional Arbitration Centres (RAC). you may approach its nearest centre, details of which are available on respective Exchange’s website. Please visit for BSE

    • Settlement

      Ensure delivery of securities /payment of money to the broker immediately upon getting the Contract Note for sale / purchase but in any case, before the prescribed pay-in-day. Stock broker should pay the money or securities to you within 24 hours of the payout.

      Ensure that:

      • In case you have opted for “bill-to-bill settlement” with respect to trading with your stock broker, then the securities for purchases) and funds (for sale) are credited within 24 hours from T+2 days (T being trade day), in your demat account and bank account respectively, subject to you fulfilling the payment for purchases and delivery of shares for sale

      • In case you have opted for “running account settlement” with respect to trading with your stock broker, then the funds and securities balance are settled by the stock broker within 30 days or 90 days, as per the option exercised by you, subject to you fulfilling any obligations due to the stock broker.

      In case of failure of the broker to do so, please lodge the complaint to the concerned stock exchange immediately

      For delivery of shares from demat account, give the Depository Participant (D P) 'Delivery out' instructions to transfer the same from your account to the demat account of stock broker only.

    • Advisory

      Investors are cautioned that there are many unregulated platforms offering Algorithmic Trading, which can prove to be very risky and may cause you financial losses. So, Investors are advised not to make use of such online platforms.

    • Facility of e-voting

      As a result of advancement in technology, today there are many online facilities available for the investors in securities market. One of such facilities is the facility of e-voting available to the shareholders through Depository system. This online facility has many benefits for the shareholders of the company in terms of participating in the important policy decisions of the company, at a click of a button. Investors are advised to make use of this facility to the maximum. It is our endeavor to increase the usage of e-voting by the retail investors.

    Rights of Investors
    • To receive all benefits/ material information declared for the investors by the Company
    • Prompt services from the Company such as transfers, dematerialisation, Sub-divisions and consolidation of holdings in the Company.
    • As an equity holder have a right to subscribe to further issue of capital by the Company.
    • To receive Contract Note from the broker in the specified format given by the Exchange showing transaction price, brokerage, GST and STT etc. as applicable, separately, within 24 hours of your trades and Statement of Account at least once in a quarter from your Stockbroker
    • To receive delivery of shares purchased/value of shares sold within 24 hours from pay-out.
    • To get registration for online applications viz Speed-e and Easiest provided by Depositories for online delivery of securities as an alternative to POA
    • To approach nearest Regional Investor Service Centre’s of BSE for lodging a complaint/ file arbitration claim
    • To get Unique Client Code (UCC) allotted.
    • To receive a copy of KYC and other documents executed.
    • To place order on complying with the norms agreed to with the Member
    • To get best price for the scrip quoted for the scrip

      Obligations of the Investors

    • Should execute Know Your Client (KYC) documents and provide supporting document.
    • Should keep contact details viz Mobile number / Email ID updated with the stock broker and Depository Participant
    • Should Pay funds and transfer securities for settlement and margin obligations on time
    • Should understand the voluntary conditions being agreed with the member and the rights given to the member
    • Should read Risk Disclosure Document at the time of account opening
    • Should understand the products and operational framework and deadlines related to various trading and Clearing & Settlement processes.
    • Should verify details of trades and statement of account, bank account and DP account for funds and securities movement on periodical basis

    Regional Centres - BSE Investor Service Centres

    Jurisdiction Of Courts

    The Courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of all proceedings to which the Exchange is a party

    In disputes where a Constituent is a party, a competent court nearest to the address provided by Client in the KYC form shall have jurisdiction to entertain, try and decide any matter arising out of or in relation to the arbitration proceedings held before the concerned Regional Arbitration Centre and in all other disputes, a court which is closest to the Regional Arbitration Centre, where the arbitration proceedings had been conducted shall have jurisdiction to decide any matter arising out the arbitration proceedings

    Brokerage & Stamp Duty

    BSE has not prescribed any minimum brokerage, and hence the same is negotiable. Though the maximum brokerage allowed is 2.5% percent of the contract price, the brokerage generally charged by the Members is much lower. A stock broker may have different scales of brokerages for delivery transactions, trading transactions etc.

    The present duty for equity shares transfer is 25 paise for every Rs.100 or part thereof, on the amount of consideration while the duty for transfer of debentures varies from state to state, applicable based on the location of the registered office of the concerned issuing company.

    Investor Awareness Programs

    Investor Awareness Programs are being regularly conducted by BSE IPF at various places in the country to educate the investors and to create awareness among the investors regarding the capital market and in particular the working of the stock exchanges. The Investor Awareness Programs cover topics like DOs and DON'Ts for investors, Instruments of Investment, Portfolio approach, Mutual funds, Trading, Clearing and Settlement, Rolling Settlement, Investors' Protection Fund, Trade Guarantee Fund, Dematerialisation of Shares, Debt Market, Investors' Grievance Redressal system available with SEBI, BSE & Company Law Board, information on BSE Sensex and other Indices, Derivatives etc.

    BSE's official Website which is the focus point for information dissemination. It updates the investors with the latest information on the stock market on daily basis through real time updating of statistical data on market activity, corporate information and results. Educative articles on various products and processes are also available on the site