Disclosures under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 ([Regulation 7 (2) read with Regulation 6(2)]
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Security Name
Security CodeSecurity NameName of  PersonCategory of Person *Securities held pre TransactionSecurities Acquired / Disposed Securities held post TransactionPeriod ##Mode of  Acquisition  # Trading in DerivativesReported to Exchange
Type of Securities **NumberValueTransaction Type Type of Contract Buy Value (Units~) Sale Value (Units~)
500034Bajaj Finance LtdAmisha JainEmployees Immediate Relative 13700 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,700 60908762.00Disposal 7000 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
500202India Lease Development LtdRAJIV GUPTAPromoter 884842 (6.02) Equity Shares 1,203 12000.00Acquisition 886045 (6.03) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
500215Agro Tech Foods LtdInfinity Portfolio HoldingsPromoter Group 129406 (0.34) Equity Shares 25,000 20153165.00Acquisition 154406 (0.41) 20/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
500247Kotak Mahindra Bank LtdVenkattu SrinivasanConnected Person 164867 (0.00) Equity Shares 10,000 20600000.00Disposal 154867 (0.00) 22/03/2025 22/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
500247Kotak Mahindra Bank LtdBhaskaran VConnected Person 38000 (0.00) Equity Shares 1,000 2179000.00Disposal 37000 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
500247Kotak Mahindra Bank LtdVenkattu SrinivasanConnected Person 154867 (0.00) Equity Shares 13,000 27300000.00Disposal 141867 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
500331Pidilite Industries LtdSaswata DharEmployee 1600 (0.00) Equity Shares 900 900.00Acquisition 2500 (0.00) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500331Pidilite Industries LtdYogesh AnandEmployee 4320 (0.00) Equity Shares 300 300.00Acquisition 4620 (0.00) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500412Thirumalai Chemicals LtdBhooma ParthasarathyPromoter Group 1460500 (1.43) Equity Shares 6,90,850 0.00Disposal 769650 (0.75) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
500412Thirumalai Chemicals LtdBhooma ParthasarathyPromoter Group 769650 (0.75) Equity Shares 7,30,450 0.00Disposal 39200 (0.04) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
500412Thirumalai Chemicals LtdMeera Parthasarathy Family TrustPromoter Group 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,90,850 0.00Acquisition 690850 (0.67) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
500412Thirumalai Chemicals LtdTara Parthasarathy Family TrustPromoter Group 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 7,30,450 0.00Acquisition 730450 (0.71) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdAbhay KulkarniDesignated Person 64261 (0.01) Equity Shares 1,485 4121618.00Acquisition 65746 (0.01) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdAbhinandan SomaniDesignated Person 1728 (0.00) Equity Shares 434 1204567.00Acquisition 2162 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdAbhiyan AdhikariDesignated Person 2092 (0.00) Equity Shares 692 1920646.00Acquisition 2784 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdAmit GuptaDesignated Person 370 (0.00) Equity Shares 370 1026935.00Acquisition 740 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdAmit KumarDesignated Person 2838 (0.00) Equity Shares 530 1471015.00Acquisition 3368 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdAshish ArekarDesignated Person 935 (0.00) Equity Shares 2,688 7460544.00Acquisition 3623 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdBinoy PaulDesignated Person 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 1,000 2775500.00Acquisition 1000 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdDevendra BharambeDesignated Person 6782 (0.00) Equity Shares 647 1795749.00Acquisition 7429 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdK PrasadDesignated Person 15260 (0.00) Equity Shares 1,126 3125213.00Acquisition 16386 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdMadhavi NadkarniDesignated Person 1173 (0.00) Equity Shares 500 1387750.00Acquisition 1673 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdManoj GaubaDesignated Person 7885 (0.00) Equity Shares 1,084 3008642.00Acquisition 8969 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdManoj VargheseDesignated Person 3808 (0.00) Equity Shares 560 1554280.00Acquisition 4368 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdMohit KapoorDesignated Person 33177 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,070 16847285.00Acquisition 39247 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdMukund ParanjapeDesignated Person 9044 (0.00) Equity Shares 150 396525.00Acquisition 9194 (0.00) 13/03/2025 13/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdMukund ParanjapeDesignated Person 9194 (0.00) Equity Shares 500 1387750.00Acquisition 9694 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdNaveen RajuDesignated Person 9754 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,373 17688262.00Acquisition 16127 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdRajashree V. AnsurkarDesignated Person 5143 (0.00) Equity Shares 729 2023340.00Acquisition 5872 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSanket PatilDesignated Person 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 2,665 7396708.00Acquisition 2665 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSenthil Kumar TDesignated Person 50 (0.00) Equity Shares 100 264350.00Acquisition 150 (0.00) 13/03/2025 13/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSenthil Kumar TDesignated Person 150 (0.00) Equity Shares 867 2406359.00Acquisition 1017 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdShriprakash ShuklaDesignated Person 97623 (0.01) Equity Shares 2,000 5551000.00Acquisition 99623 (0.01) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSitaramayya VetsaDesignated Person 8416 (0.00) Equity Shares 300 863483.00Disposal 8116 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSitaramayya VetsaDesignated Person 8116 (0.00) Equity Shares 754 2092727.00Acquisition 8870 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSriram RamachandranDesignated Person 30150 (0.00) Equity Shares 5,783 16050717.00Acquisition 35933 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdSuman MishraDesignated Person 37861 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,306 17502303.00Acquisition 44167 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdV Jose EbenezerDesignated Person 13340 (0.00) Equity Shares 1,212 3363906.00Acquisition 14552 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500520Mahindra & Mahindra LtdVinay KhanolkarDesignated Person 16204 (0.00) Equity Shares 500 1387750.00Acquisition 16704 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
500650Excel Industries LtdMalti Dilipsinh BhatiaPromoters Immediate Relative 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 1,04,082 1.00Acquisition 104082 (0.83) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Off Market  25/03/2025
500800Tata Consumer Products LtdAjit KrishnakumarDirector 4450 (0.00) Equity Shares 4,450 4247792.00Disposal 0 (0.00) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
501423Shaily Engineering Plastics LtdRuchita SharmaEmployee 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 33 59004.00Acquisition 33 (0.00) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
502168NCL Industries Ltd-$P Narasimha RajuDirector 521010 (1.15) Equity Shares 6,465 1236194.00Disposal 514545 (1.14) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Invocation Of Pledged  25/03/2025
503229Simplex Realty LtdShashi Amit PatodiaPromoter Group 44776 (1.50) Equity Shares 200 43750.00Acquisition 44976 (1.50) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
505302Lakshmi Engineering And Warehousing LtdSMT AISHWARYA PATHYPromoter & Director 107821 (16.12) Equity Shares 55 114179.00Acquisition 107876 (16.13) 19/03/2025 20/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
506943JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals LtdNikhil Ashokkumar ChopraDirector 19979 (0.01) Equity Shares 14,929 25071992.00Revoke 19979 (0.01) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Revocation Of Pledge  25/03/2025
506943JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals LtdNikhil Ashokkumar ChopraDirector 19979 (0.01) Equity Shares 14,929 25071992.00Disposal 5050 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
507753TGV Sraac LtdTGV PROJECTS AND INVESTMENTS PVT LTDPromoter Group 11916643 (11.13) Equity Shares 14,714 1530531.00Acquisition 11931357 (11.14) 24/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
508989Navneet Education LtdNavneet FoundationPromoter Group 90625 (0.04) Equity Shares 90,625 12386808.00Disposal 0 (0.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
509040Netlink Solutions India LtdJineshvar Securities Private LimitedPromoter 341849 (13.51) Equity Shares 10,000 1195000.00Disposal 331849 (13.12) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
511754Shalibhadra Finance LtdDhruvil Minesh DoshiPromoter Group 49796 (0.64) Equity Shares 3,000 1618500.00Acquisition 52796 (0.68) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
512399Sera Investments & Finance India LtdSeraphim Ventures Private LimitedPromoter Group 10756302 (16.55) Equity Shares 62,585 2671515.00Acquisition 10818887 (16.64) 20/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
512485Dhanlaxmi Cotex LtdMahesh Sohanlal JhawarDirector 3261768 (66.96) Equity Shares 2,000 719300.00Acquisition 3263768 (67.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Off Market  25/03/2025
512493Garnet International LtdSuresh Gaggar HUFPromoter Group 169946 (0.87) Equity Shares 12,000 1411800.00Disposal 157946 (0.80) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
513228Pennar Industries Ltd-$Aditya Narsing RaoPromoter 8982308 (6.65) Equity Shares 8,100 1495444.00Acquisition 8990408 (6.66) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
513228Pennar Industries Ltd-$Lavanya Kumar Rao KondapalliPromoter Group 188200 (0.14) Equity Shares 8,100 0.00Disposal 180100 (0.13) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
513228Pennar Industries Ltd-$Potluri Venkateswara RaoDirector 43360 (0.03) Equity Shares 10,000 1882895.00Disposal 33360 (0.02) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
513262Steel Strips Wheels Ltd-$Priya GargPromoter 820620 (0.53) Equity Shares 25,000 4868000.00Acquisition 845620 (0.54) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
513262Steel Strips Wheels Ltd-$Chandigarh Developers Private LimitedPromoter Group 5942348 (3.79) Equity Shares 25,000 4855750.00Acquisition 5967348 (3.80) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
513361India Steel Works LtdKhamgaon Land Development & Trading Company Private LimitedPromoter Group 18544020 (4.66) Equity Shares 72,50,000 35851238.00Disposal 11294020 (2.84) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
517146Usha Martin LtdStuti JhawarPromoter Group 1204000 (0.40) Equity Shares 6,000 1980012.00Acquisition 1210000 (0.40) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
517146Usha Martin LtdAmisha JhawarPromoter Group 1183000 (0.39) Equity Shares 17,000 5779406.00Acquisition 1200000 (0.39) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
517288Gujarat Poly Electronics LtdTANIL R. KILACHANDDirector 49602 (0.58) Equity Shares 35,000 3068974.00Disposal 14602 (0.17) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
524516Bacil Pharma LtdGULECHA INVESTMENTS AND TRADING CO PRIVATE LIMITEDPromoter Group 130071 (2.21) Equity Shares 1,00,000 4255666.00Disposal 30071 (0.51) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
526251Mid East Portfolio Management LtdPOONAM K SHAHPromoter Group 120000 (2.39) Equity Shares 5,000 72250.00Disposal 115000 (2.29) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
526269Crestchem LtdDIPAK N PATELConnected Person 865787 (28.86) Equity Shares 100 22548.00Acquisition 865887 (28.86) 21/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
526666Bhartiya International LtdUrbanac Projects Private LimitedPromoter Group 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 7,75,000 249937500.00Acquisition 775000 (5.97) 19/03/2025 19/03/2025 Conversion of security  25/03/2025
530217Swojas Foods LtdPARTHRAJSINH HARSHADSINH RANAPromoter & Director 9874743 (31.89) Equity Shares 5,25,000 7901250.00Disposal 9349743 (30.19) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
530365Orient Bell Ltd-$Anil AgarwalDesignated Person 57279 (0.39) Equity Shares 4,000 983960.00Disposal 53279 (0.36) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
530365Orient Bell Ltd-$Anil AgarwalDesignated Person 53279 (0.36) Equity Shares 1,694 423161.00Disposal 51585 (0.35) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
530365Orient Bell Ltd-$Anil AgarwalDesignated Person 51585 (0.35) Equity Shares 3,306 825674.00Disposal 48279 (0.33) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
530367NRB Bearings LtdHarshbeena ZaveriPromoter & Director 13163123 (13.58) Equity Shares 6,500 1414941.00Acquisition 13169623 (13.59) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
530367NRB Bearings LtdHarshbeena ZaveriPromoter & Director 13157723 (13.58) Equity Shares 5,400 1195769.00Acquisition 13163123 (13.58) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
530759Sterling Tools Ltd-$JAIDEEP WADHWADirector 174024 (0.48) Equity Shares 15,000 5289276.00Disposal 159024 (0.44) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
532230Bengal Tea & Fabrics LtdADARSH KANORIAPromoter & Director 536137 (5.95) Equity Shares 61,000 9272000.00Acquisition 597137 (6.63) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
532290BLB LtdBrij Rattan BagriPromoter & Director 21618443 (40.90) Equity Shares 55,000 953700.00Acquisition 21673443 (41.00) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
532541Coforge LtdMilan GandhiDesignated Person 913 (0.00) Equity Shares 909 6968394.00Disposal 4 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
532742Paushak LtdChirayu Ramanbhai Amin HUFPromoter Group 20022 (0.65) Equity Shares 600 2371323.00Acquisition 20622 (0.67) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
532809Firstsource Solutions LtdFirstsource Employee Benefit TrustTrust 7670661 (1.10) Equity Shares 1,89,425 1925750.00Disposal 7481236 (1.07) 19/03/2025 19/03/2025 Off Market  25/03/2025
532927eClerx Services LtdEclerx Employee Welfare TrustTrust 677934 (1.42) Equity Shares 4,163 10949064.00Acquisition 682097 (1.43) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
532980Gokul Refoils & Solvent LtdArjunsinh RajputPromoter Group 2435431 (2.46) Equity Shares 50,000 2440057.00Disposal 2385431 (2.41) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
532980Gokul Refoils & Solvent LtdArjunsinh RajputPromoter Group 2385431 (2.40) Equity Shares 2,85,000 13902909.00Disposal 2100431 (2.12) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
538476Capital Trade Links LtdKrishan KumarPromoter & Director 3852992 (5.93) Equity Shares 38,000 1596000.00Acquisition 3890992 (6.04) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
538476Capital Trade Links LtdHemlataPromoter 1725626 (2.68) Equity Shares 5,000 210000.00Acquisition 1730626 (2.69) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
538837Jeevan Scientific Technology LtdJeevan Krishna KuchipudiDirector 906471 (5.72) Equity Shares 11,301 467738.00Acquisition 917772 (5.79) 13/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
538935Abhishek Finlease LtdMahendrabhai Manchndlal ShahPromoter 1550100 (36.35) Equity Shares 69,760 2999680.00Acquisition 1619860 (35.12) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Preferential Offer  25/03/2025
538935Abhishek Finlease LtdVasantbalaben Mahendrabhai ShahPromoter Group 496674 (11.65) Equity Shares 58,140 2500020.00Acquisition 554814 (12.03) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Preferential Offer  25/03/2025
538935Abhishek Finlease LtdShah Mahendra Manchandlal HUFPromoter Group 658000 (15.43) Equity Shares 58,140 2500020.00Acquisition 716140 (15.53) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Preferential Offer  25/03/2025
538962Minda Corporation LtdLaxman RamnarayanDirector 33000 (0.01) Equity Shares 33,000 17659112.00Disposal 0 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
538970Wardwizard Innovations & Mobility LtdYatin Sanjay GuptePromoter 87468177 (33.55) Equity Shares 75,000 1677918.00Disposal 87393177 (33.52) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
538970Wardwizard Innovations & Mobility LtdYatin Sanjay GuptePromoter 87393177 (33.52) Equity Shares 34,00,000 74594121.00Disposal 83993177 (32.22) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
539819Mudra Financial Services LtdPRABHAT KRISHNAGOPAL MAHESHWARIPromoter 565200 (11.28) Equity Shares 1,00,500 412050.00Acquisition 665700 (13.28) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Off Market  25/03/2025
539819Mudra Financial Services LtdRANJANA JAINPromoter 121100 (2.42) Equity Shares 28,600 117260.00Acquisition 149700 (2.99) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Off Market  25/03/2025
539894Madhav Infra Projects LtdMadhav Power Private LimitedPromoter Group 60000 (0.02) Equity Shares 50,000 604275.00Acquisition 110000 (0.04) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
539939Yash Chemex LtdPAXAL SHAHPromoter Group 68623 (0.67) Equity Shares 2,200 111364.00Acquisition 70823 (0.69) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
540025Advanced Enzyme Technologies LtdKishor Laxminarayan Rathi HUFOther 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 11,00,000 0.00Acquisition 1100000 (0.98) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
540025Advanced Enzyme Technologies LtdKishor Laxminarayan RathiPromoter Group 1506000 (1.35) Equity Shares 11,00,000 0.00Disposal 406000 (0.36) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Gift  25/03/2025
540025Advanced Enzyme Technologies LtdAtul BiyaniDesignated Person 4550 (0.00) Equity Shares 3,000 877501.00Acquisition 7550 (0.01) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
540025Advanced Enzyme Technologies LtdVasant RathiPromoter & Director 36948702 (33.02) Equity Shares 1,50,000 43656931.00Acquisition 37098702 (33.16) 20/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
540595Tejas Networks LtdArnob RoyDirector 240512 (0.14) Equity Shares 55,386 553860.00Acquisition 295898 (0.17) 22/03/2025 22/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
540595Tejas Networks LtdKumar N SivarajanDesignated Person 1258118 (0.71) Equity Shares 1,50,250 10071250.00Acquisition 1408368 (0.80) 22/03/2025 22/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
540642Salasar Techno Engineering LtdAlok KumarPromoter & Director 61644588 (3.57) Equity Shares 41,00,000 33128000.00Disposal 57544588 (3.33) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540642Salasar Techno Engineering LtdBase Engineering LLPPromoter Group 19916458 (1.15) Equity Shares 36,00,000 29124000.00Disposal 16316458 (0.94) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540642Salasar Techno Engineering LtdShikhar Fabtech Private LimitedPromoter Group 76487555 (4.43) Equity Shares 33,32,651 26961147.00Disposal 73154904 (4.24) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540642Salasar Techno Engineering LtdTripti GuptaPromoter & Director 35061905 (2.03) Equity Shares 15,00,000 12135000.00Disposal 33561905 (1.94) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540642Salasar Techno Engineering LtdShikhar GuptaPromoter Group 22027299 (1.28) Equity Shares 20,00,000 16160000.00Disposal 20027299 (1.16) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540686Smruthi Organics LtdEAGA PURUSHOTHAM MALAIAHPromoter & Director 4696614 (41.03) Equity Shares 7,927 919532.00Acquisition 4704541 (41.10) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
540788Aspira Pathlab & Diagnostics LtdParesh Bhanji BhanushaliPromoter 60000 (0.58) Equity Shares 16,000 1627200.00Disposal 44000 (0.43) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540788Aspira Pathlab & Diagnostics LtdParesh Bhanji BhanushaliPromoter 44000 (0.43) Equity Shares 1 107.00Disposal 43999 (0.43) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
540975Aster DM Healthcare LtdUnion (Mauritius) Holdings LimitedPromoter Group 19980522 (4.00) Equity Shares 1,99,80,522 8651566026.00Pledge 19980522 (4.00) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Creation Of Pledge  25/03/2025
540975Aster DM Healthcare LtdUnion Investments Private LimitedPromoter 186853810 (37.41) Equity Shares 1,99,80,522 8651566026.00Revoke 186853810 (37.41) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Pledge Released  25/03/2025
541729HDFC Asset Management Company LtdSHOBHIT MEHROTRADesignated Person 205500 (0.10) Equity Shares 10,000 40245900.00Disposal 195500 (0.09) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
541729HDFC Asset Management Company LtdABHISHEK PODDARDesignated Person 22600 (0.01) Equity Shares 2,600 10400000.00Disposal 20000 (0.01) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
541729HDFC Asset Management Company LtdABHISHEK PODDARDesignated Person 20000 (0.01) Equity Shares 5,000 20508450.00Disposal 15000 (0.01) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
542651KPIT Technologies LtdKPIT Technologies Limited Employees Welfare TrustOther 2477039 (0.90) Equity Shares 9,450 94500.00Disposal 2467589 (0.90) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDRohit WadhwaDesignated Person 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 3,000 2715000.00Acquisition 3000 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDRohit WadhwaDesignated Person 3000 (0.00) Equity Shares 3,000 0.00Acquisition 6000 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Bonus  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDKaran AhujaDesignated Person 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,000 5330100.00Acquisition 6000 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDKaran AhujaDesignated Person 6000 (0.00) Equity Shares 6,000 0.00Acquisition 12000 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Bonus  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDKavitha SubramanianDesignated Person 0 (0.00) Equity Shares 2,500 1893750.00Acquisition 2500 (0.00) 24/01/2025 24/01/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDKavitha SubramanianDesignated Person 2500 (0.00) Equity Shares 2,500 0.00Acquisition 5000 (0.00) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Bonus  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDParinaz vakilDesignated Person 122080 (0.03) Equity Shares 11,750 6227500.00Acquisition 133830 (0.03) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
542772360 ONE WAM LTDParinaz VakilDesignated Person 133830 (0.03) Equity Shares 11,750 0.00Acquisition 145580 (0.03) 21/03/2025 21/03/2025 Bonus  25/03/2025
543411Hi-Tech Pipes LtdMANOJ KUMAR GUPTA, TRUSTEE HI-TECH PIPES EMPLOYEES WELFARE TRUSTDesignated Person 217500 (0.11) Equity Shares 90,000 10435500.00Acquisition 307500 (0.15) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
543989Sai Silks (Kalamandir) LtdSSKL FAMILY TRUSTTrust 24653850 (16.08) Equity Shares 99,924 14283532.00Acquisition 24753774 (16.14) 21/03/2025 25/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
544029Gandhar Oil Refinery (India) LtdRamesh Babulal Parekh (Revised)Promoter 5390000 (5.50) Equity Shares 1,23,889 17553671.00Acquisition 5513889 (5.63) 20/03/2025 20/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
544219VVIP Infratech LtdSUMAN TYAGIPromoter Group 17500 (0.07) Equity Shares 1,200 2727395.00Acquisition 18700 (0.07) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Market Purchase  25/03/2025
544309Inventurus Knowledge Solutions LtdDinesh RijhwaniDesignated Person 9159 (0.01) Equity Shares 159 286200.00Disposal 9000 (0.01) 04/03/2025 04/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
544309Inventurus Knowledge Solutions LtdDinesh RijhwaniDesignated Person 9000 (0.01) Equity Shares 150 270000.00Disposal 8850 (0.01) 05/03/2025 05/03/2025 Market Sale  25/03/2025
544309Inventurus Knowledge Solutions LtdDinesh RijhwaniDesignated Person 8850 (0.01) Equity Shares 2,000 1648440.00Acquisition 10850 (0.01) 25/03/2025 25/03/2025 ESOP  25/03/2025
974766RDC concrete (India) LtdHella Infra Market LimitedPromoter 105667244 (95.34) Equity Shares 2,89,474 119525711.00Acquisition 105956718 (95.60) 24/03/2025 24/03/2025 Off Market  25/03/2025

Regulation 7(2) - Disclosure to the Exchange by Listed company in terms of Regulation 7(2) (b) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
Securities shall have the meaning as defined under regulation 2(1)(i) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.
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** - (Share/Warrants /Convertible Debenture etc)
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## - Period of Allotment advice / acquisition of shares / sale of shares (ddmmyyyy )
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26 Mar 25 | 01:48 (IST)