Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532974    Company : BIRLAMONEY    
Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of AGMDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  06/07/2018 11:39:16         Exchange Disseminated Time   06/07/2018 11:39:25              Time Taken   00:00:09
The 22nd AGM of the Co was held today i.e.06.07.2018 at the Regd Office of the Co at Indian Rayon Compound, Veraval - 362266, Gujarat, and the following items were transacted at the said AGM:
1. Adoption of Audited Financial Statements of the Co for the FY ended March 31, 2018, together with the Board's Report along with Annexures and the Auditor's Report thereon
2. Re-appointment of Mr. Gopi Krishna Tulsian as a Director who retired from office by rotation and being eligible had sought re-appointment.
3. Ratification of Appointment of M/s. S.R. Batliboi & Co. LLP as Auditors of the Co for the FY18-19 and fixing their remuneration.
4. Approval of the limits for the Loans, Guarantees and Investments by the Co in pursuance of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Approval for Alteration of Clause III(A)(2) of the MoA of the Co.
6. Approval of the Material RPT with Aditya Birla Finance Ltd.

The results of voting will be intimated separately.This is for your information and record.


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