Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 531497    Company : MADHUCON    
Compliance Certificate For Half Year Ended 30Th September, 2018.Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  19/10/2018 10:52:45         Exchange Disseminated Time   19/10/2018 10:52:48              Time Taken   00:00:03

CIN: L74210TGI990PLCO11114
Ref: MPL/CS/HYD/ 2018
Date: 19.10.2018
The Stock Exchange Mumbai (BSE)
Corporate Relationship Dept,
1st Floor, New Trading Ring
Rotunda Building, P] Towers
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai -400 001
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India
5th Floor, Exchange Plaza,
Bandra (East),
Mumbai- 400 051.
Sub.: Compliance Certificate certifying maintaining phvsical & electronic transfer
facilitv for the Half year ended 30th September, 2018
Ref: Regulation 7 (3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Please find enclosed herein the Compliance Certificate certifying maintaining
physical &: electronic transfer facility for the Half year Ended 30th September, 2018
pursuant to the Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
Thanking you,
For Madhucon Projects Limited,
Nama VSeethaiah »
DIN: 00784491
Managing Director
Encl.: As above
Corp. Olllce : ''Madhucon House', 1129/A, Road No. 36, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033. Telangana. India
Tel :+91-40-23556001 - 4 Fax :491-40-23556005 E-mall :
Regd. Ofllce : H.No.1-7-70. Jublipura, Khammam. Telangana - 507 003. lndia
Half yearly ended 29-09-20 l 8
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd (KCPL) is providing Registry
and Share Transfer services to MADHUCON PROJECTS LIMITED and having the valid
agreement in the form of Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MOU).
:1. Holds and continues to hold requisite certificate as Category I Registrar & Share
Transfer Agent vide SEBI Registration No, INR000000221 issued by Securities
Exchange Board of india (SEBI).
b. Handling allactivities in relation to physical share transfer facility and
maintaining related doeLiments/correspondence for all the transactions in physical
in respect ofthe Company as per the regulations
c. Maintaining the data in respect ofinvestors holding shares in electronic form
(Demat) as received from the depositories for a minimum period of one year.
THIS CERTIFICATE is issued in compliance pt~ Regulation 7(3) ol'the provisions ofSEBl
(Listing Obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.
For Karvy Computershare Private Limited
mi .59)'
Mohammed Shanoor
Corporate Registry ( RIS)
Place : Hyderabad
Date :03/10/2018
Karvy Computershare Private Limited
Corporate office: 'Karvy Selenium Tower 8', Plot No. 31 & 32, Financial District, Gachibowli.
Nanakramguda, Serilingampaily. Hyderabad - 500 032. Telangana, INDIA. Toll Free No. : 1800 4250 999,
Fax 2 91 «10-67161 791, e-mail: support®
'maneum Registered Office: Karvy House. 46, Avenue 4. street No.1, Banjara Hills. Hyderabad « 500 034.
MW Wu' T: +9140-2331-2454I2332~0751l752/251 / F: 09140-23314968 / wwwkarwbom i wwi.kawycompuiershara.corn I CIN: U7414DTGZOO3PTCO4163G
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