Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532832    Company : EMBDL    
Update On Sale Of Chennai AssetsDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  25/03/2018 20:50:34         Exchange Disseminated Time   25/03/2018 20:50:38              Time Taken   00:00:04
In furtherance to intimation dated February 14, 2018, wherein it was informed that basis the recommendations made by the Committee, the Board has authorized it to evaluate & finalize options available for the sale of Company's residential and commercial assets at Chennai, being a non-core market for Company's real estate business operations, please be informed that the Company has entered into definitive transaction document(s) to sell its stake in its wholly owned subsidiaries, namely Selene Estate Limited and Airmid Infrastructure Limited (owning residential assets at Chennai) to a third party investor, for an aggregate consideration of Rs. 285 Crores.

The transaction is expected to be concluded during the current financial year


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