Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 534309    Company : NBCC    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in DirectorateDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  12/03/2018 19:13:54         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/03/2018 19:13:59              Time Taken   00:00:05
As per the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs directive No O-17034/75/2017-PS dated 12.3.2018, the competent authority has approved the assignment of additional charge of Director (Finance), NBCC to Shri Anoop Kumar Mittal, CMD, NBCC with immediate effect upto 31.3.2018 or maximum till 30.4.2018, if the tenure of CMD, NBCC is extended beyond 31.3.2018. Accordingly CMD, NBCC has taken over the additional charge of Director (Finance) w.e.f. 12.3.2018 (A/N).

The aforesaid information is also available on the website of the company at

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