Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533177    Company : IL&FSTRANS    
Intimation Of Declaration Of Appointed Date For Construction, Operation And Maintenance Of 2-Lane Bi-Directional Zojila Tunnel With Parallel Escape (Egress) Tunnel On Srinagar-Leh Section Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  16/05/2018 15:20:42         Exchange Disseminated Time   16/05/2018 15:20:48              Time Taken   00:00:06
The Company had submitted the bid to the National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited for Construction, Operation and Maintenance of 2-Lane Bi-Directional Zojila Tunnel with Parallel Escape Tunnel on Srinagar-Leh Section in the State of Jammu & Kashmir on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode (the 'Project')

We wish to inform that the Company has emerged as the Lowest Bidder for the aforesaid Project. The Company had quoted an amount of ? 4,899.42 Crore to be constructed in a period of 2,555 days (7 years)


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