Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532180    Company : DHANBANK    
Compliance Of Regulation 39Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  12/12/2018 16:06:58         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/12/2018 16:07:07              Time Taken   00:00:09
The Bank / RTA has received information regarding loss/ theft of share certificates and request for issue of duplicate share certificates as detailed below:

SI No Folio No Name of the Share holder Cerificate No Distinctive Nos No of Shares Request received date
From To
1 DBL086270 K Sumeetha Hottaikat
K Soudamani 100151 9367946 9368045 100 11-12-2018
2 DBL130161 Heena Mahesh Sha &
Mahesh Jamnadas Shah 43501 - 43507 4086551 4087250 700 11-12-2018
3 DBL130121 Mahesh Jamnadas Shah &
Heena Mahesh Sha
24801 - 24807 2312871 2313570 700 10-12-2018

We have initiated the process for issue of duplicate share certificates.

This is for your kind information.


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