Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 507438    Company : IFBAGRO    
Board Meeting Date 30Th May, 2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  16/05/2018 18:58:58         Exchange Disseminated Time   16/05/2018 18:59:07              Time Taken   00:00:09
Sub: Continuation of intimation of Board Meeting in pursuance of Regulation 29 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

In continuation to the notice dated 15th May, 2018 for meeting of the Board of Directors of IFB Agro Industries Limited which is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at the Registered Office of the Company at Plot No. IND-5, Sector -1 , East Kolkata Township, Kolkata - 700107, we would like to inform you that inadvertently we mentioned the name of the company IFB Industries Limited be read as 'IFB Agro Industries Limited'.

You are requested to take note of the above and arrange to bring this to the notice of all concerned.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt and oblige.


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