Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533212    Company : GKB    
Voting Results Of Shareholders Meeting Held On 27/08/2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  28/08/2018 13:10:38         Exchange Disseminated Time   28/08/2018 13:10:45              Time Taken   00:00:07
The 36th Annual General Meeting of the Company was held on August 27, 2018, at the Registered office of the Company.

We give below the required details:-
Date of AGM : 27/08/2018
Total number of shareholders on record date, August 20, 2018 : 1263
No. of shareholders present in the meeting either in person or through proxy.
Promoters and Promoters Group : 5
Public : 16
No. of shareholders attended the meeting through Video Conferencing :
Not arranged for
Details of the Agenda (Voting item wise : As per Annexure

Attached please find the following :-
Report of Scrutinizer in Form No. MGT-13 (Pursuant to Section 109 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 21(2) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014.



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