Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500059    Company : BINANIIND    
Clarification Of News

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  Exchange Received Time  11/04/2018 19:08:33         Exchange Disseminated Time   11/04/2018 19:08:41              Time Taken   00:00:08
Kindly refer to the intimations to the Stock Exchange submitted earlier wherein we have informed that the Company, Binani Industries Limited has sought for termination of CIRP of Binani Cement Limited and has agreed to pay the liabilities of Binani Cement Limited and that Ultra Tech Cement Llimited has given a letter of comfort. Our application is pending at Supreme Court as also at NCLT, Kolkata. We are seeking shareholders' approval for sale of shares of Binani Cement Limited. There is no concluded sale or other reportable event. We shall intimate the Exchange as soon as there are any reportable developments.



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