Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 523708    Company : EIMCOELECO    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Credit RatingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  12/04/2018 16:06:41         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/04/2018 16:06:47              Time Taken   00:00:06
We would like to inform you that the rating of the Company is downgraded by CRISIL i.e. CRISIL A/Stable (Downgraded from CRISIL A+/ Stable) for Long-Term Rating and CRISIL A1 (Downgraded from CRISIL A1+) for Short-Term Rating is because of the weaker business performance in the medium term, given the sluggishness in demand for the Company's equipment from underground coal mining industry. However, the Company gives efforts to diversify its profile to recover its revenue growth over medium term.

Kindly, take the same on your record.


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