Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 540005    Company : LTIM    
Financial Results For June 30, 2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  23/07/2018 17:56:54         Exchange Disseminated Time   23/07/2018 17:56:59              Time Taken   00:00:05
1. The Board of Directors of the Company in their meeting held today, which commenced at 03:55 p.m. and concluded at 05:45 pm have approved and taken on record the un-audited Consolidated and Standalone
financial results of the Company for the quarter ended on June 30, 2018.
b. M/s. B.K. Khare & Co, Statutory Auditors of the Company have issued limited reviewed reports, copy of which is enclosed herewith.
c. The Earnings Release and Fact Sheet w.r.t. financial results for the quarter ended on June 30, 2018, is also enclosed herewith.


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