Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 532309    Company : GEPIL    
Closure Of FactoryDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  10/10/2018 18:25:27         Exchange Disseminated Time   10/10/2018 18:25:34              Time Taken   00:00:07
In view of a slowdown in parts of the power sector, which has led to a rationalization of the workforce of the Company at various stages, to keep costs in line with the existing backlog and operating levels. The Company had opened Voluntary Retirement Schemes ('Schemes') at various locations for its workmen. Majority of the workmen participated in such schemes at Vadodara & Shahabad; and as a consequence, including the current market situation, it is not viable for the management to operate the factory located at Shahabad, and the said factory shall be closed w.e.f. 11/10/2018. The operations at Vadodara factory were discontinued w.e.f. 27/08/2018. In view of closure of the aforesaid factories, the management is exploring and evaluating various options to dispose of the land and building, including machinery & equipment related to these factories, subject to necessary approvals. The trading window shall remain closed from 10/10/2018 (6 p.m. onwards) to 12/10/2018 (both days inclusive).


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