Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 504180    Company : STDBAT    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Meeting UpdatesDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  14/09/2018 16:30:35         Exchange Disseminated Time   14/09/2018 16:30:44              Time Taken   00:00:09
Summary of proceedings of the 71st AGM held on Friday, 14th September, 2018 at 11.30 a.m. (IST) at the Wellingdon Catholic Gymkhana, Khar West, Mumbai- 400052. Mr. Rama Shankar Jhawar, Chaired the meeting. The requisite quorum being present, the Chairman called the meeting to order. All the directors of the Company except Mr. Tippirajapuram Ramamirda Swaminathan did not attended the meeting. The Chairman delivered his speech. The Chairman informed that the Company had provided the Members the facility to cast their vote electronically, on all resolutions set forth in the Notice. Members who were present at the AGM and had not cast their votes electronically were provided an opportunity to cast their votes at the end of the meeting. It was further informed that there would be no voting by show of hands.
The business, as per the Notice of AGM, were transacted at the meeting.



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