Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 512573    Company : AVANTIFEED    
Shareholder Meeting / Postal Ballot-Outcome of AGMDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  08/08/2018 00:09:02         Exchange Disseminated Time   08/08/2018 00:09:05              Time Taken   00:00:03
Sub: AVANTI FEEDS LIMITED - 25th Annual General Meeting held on 07.08.2018 -Submission of voting results of the AGM - Reg.
Ref: Our letter dated 11th July, 2018.
Further to our letter cited, we inform that 25th AGM of the Company was held on Tuesday, 07.08.2018. Business mentioned in the Notice dT 30.06.18, for AGM were transacted and the resolutions set out in the Notice were passed with requisite majority. we enclose the following:
1. Voting Results as required under Reg 44 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 - Annexure - 1.
2. Consolidate Report of Scrutinizer on e-voting and through Polling Paper at the AGM held on 07th August, 2018 from Sri V Bhaskar Rao, Practicing Company Secretary- Annexure -2.
The Voting results of the 25th AGM along with Scrutinizer Report(s) are available at the Registered Office, Corporate Office, Website of the Company and website of Karvy Computershare Pvt. Ltd., Registrars and Transfer Agents (RTA) of the Company.



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