Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533296    Company : FMNL    
Closure of Trading WindowDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  22/10/2018 16:53:25         Exchange Disseminated Time   22/10/2018 16:53:30              Time Taken   00:00:05
In terms of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 and the code of Conduct to Regulate,Monitor & Report Trading by Insiders (Reporting Code) adopted by the Company,notice is hereby given for the information of Promoters,Directors,connected persons,the insiders,designated employees and their immediate relatives that in view of the ensuing Board Meeting of Future Market Networks Limited fixed on Tuesday,October 30, 2018 inter alia,to consider and approve the un-audited financial results for the second quarter and half year ended on September 30,2018 of the financial year ending March 31,2019,and the Trading Window shall remain closed from today with immediate effect and shall remain closed till the closure of trading/ business hours of November 01, 2018.
During the aforesaid period when the Trading Window is closed, the Promoters, Directors,connected persons, the insiders,designated employees and their immediate relatives shall not trade in Company''s shares / securities.


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