Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 516062    Company : NATPLY    
Board Meeting-Board Meeting On May 30, 2018Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  11/05/2018 15:17:15         Exchange Disseminated Time   11/05/2018 15:17:23              Time Taken   00:00:08
This is to inform you that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Wednesday, the 30th May, 2018 at the Corporate Office of the Company at 5, Fancy Lane, 7th Floor, Kolkata - 700 001, at 11.30 A.M.. to consider and take on record the Annual Audited Financial Results for the year ended 31st March, 2018 of the Company and for appointment of an Independent Director in place of casual vacancy caused due to sudden death of N. G. Paul an existing Whole Time Director along with other business.


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